Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Core Facility (BFC)
The Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Core Facility (BFC) is a shared resource laboratory providing a comprehensive suite of services to support your research needs in flow cytometry. Our state-of-the-art facility offers conventional and full spectral cytometry for multi-parametric analysis, as well as multiparameter fluorescence activated cell sorting.
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Flow Cytometry Analysis
Flow Cytometry Analysis involves using a flow cytometer to interrogate cells stained with fluorescent markers and classifying them into groups. Cells pass through the instrument once and go straight to a waste container. There is no cell recovery.

Flow Cytometry Sorting
Flow Cytometry Sorting involves using a flow cytometer with cell sorting capability to interrogate cells stained with fluorescent markers, classifying them into groups, and then physically separate the groups into test tubes or multi-well plates.

Sony ID7000™ Spectral Analyzers (Alice and Howard)
The full spectral analyzer on the Sony ID7000 instrument has a distinctive ability to measure the complete emission spectra of fluorescent dyes, excited by the multiple lasers present on the instrument.

BD FACSCanto™ II Analyzer
The BD FACSCanto™ II is an analytic flow cytometer including up to 10-color analysis and automated data acquisition.

An analytic flow cytometer equipped with four-laser benchtop flow cytometer with the ability to acquire up to 18 colors.

Image StreamX MKII Imaging Cytometer
The Image StreamX MKII imaging cytometer is equipped with four high-powered lasers with emissions at 405, 488, 561, and 642nm wavelengths, as well as 12 channels that enable the measurement of up to 8-9 colors simultaneously.

BD FACSVerse™ Analyzer
The BD FACSVerse™ flow cytometer is equipped with 3 lasers with emissions at 405, 488 and 640nm wavelengths, as well as 10 detectors that enable the measurement of 8 colours and FSC.

FACSAria™ Fusion "Sansa" Sorter
This cell sorter is capable of performing index sorting, which is a valuable tool for establishing correlations between phenotype and gene expression of sorted cells.

BD FACSAria™ Fusion "Jon" Sorter
Equipped with four high-powered lasers with emissions at 405, 488, 561, and 640nm wavelengths, as well as 20 detectors that enable the measurement of up to 18 colors simultaneously.

CytoFLEX SRT Sorter
The CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is equipped with four high-powered lasers with emissions at 405, 488, 561, and 638nm wavelengths, as well as 17 detectors that enable the measurement of up to 14 colors simultaneously.
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Facts about BFC Core Facility
Location: Biomedicum, House C, entrance floor (floor 3)
Director: Maria Johansson
Keywords: flow cytometry, cell sorter, analytic flow cytometer, lasers, phentoype and gene expression, sorted cells, data-analysis, automated data acquisition
Department: Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology