Tina Gustavell

Tina Gustavell

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, D2, Flemingsberg, 14183
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Omvårdnad Lars E Eriksson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a registered nurse with a PhD in medical science. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at KI. Also, I work at Karolinska University Hospital with nursing development at the Cancer Theme with special focus on upper gastrointestinal diseases. When I work clinically, I care for patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer or chronic conditions during different treatments, mainly surgery.

    Bachelor in nursing, degree in 2003.

    1-year Master in Nursing (courses mainly towards surgical care), degree in 2010.

    PhD in medical science, degree in 2019


  • PEX-LC

    Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Lars E Eriksson with affiliation to the proteomics research group at SciLifeLab. The project has the title “Facilitating lung cancer diagnosis: Linking the experience body and the biological body” and aims to explore how subjective experiences can be linked to clinical changes and biomarkers, to facilitate early discovery of lung cancer and treatment follow up. Within the project I am researching lung cancer prediction using machine learning analysis and the association between symptoms and circulating biomarkers both for patients with lung cancer but also agnostic.

    I am co-supervising Mark Albeek in his doctoral project with the overall aim to develop a risk-assessment model to facilitate, optimize and advance evaluation and diagnosis for patients with lung cancer.


  • mHealth

    Within the research group ICare we have developed an interactive app (Interaktor) based on theory, literature and in co-design with patients and health care professionals. Interaktor includes several components where 1) patients report symptoms and concerns on a regular basis, 2) alerts are triggered to a nurse when symptoms or concerns are severe, 3) patients have access to evidence-based self-care advice, 4) symptoms and concerns are visualized over time in graphs, 5) professionals can follow the patients’ reports via a web-interface. The objective with the research program is to evaluate the effects of routine use of Interaktor assessment of diagnose/treatment related symptoms and concerns regarding symptom burden, quality of life, cost-effectiveness, and survival.

    Within the project I defended my thesis in 2019 with the title “Person-centered care supported by an interactive app for patients with pancreatic cancer following surgery”. The research project evaluated how an interactive app för self-care and symptom reporting to a nurse navigator could enhance the life situation för patients undergoing surgery for pancreatic cancer. The project was a case-control study.

    In ongoing projects within the ICare group I am co-supervising Kristina Rooth in her doctoral project which aims to evaluate the effects of the Interaktor app and motivational interviewing during the first years after primary treatment for breast cancer. The project is a randomised controlled cluster trial and the current phases focuses on feasibility testning and process evaluation.


  • Patient learning and self-management

    I am interested in how patient' learning can be understood and enhanced and are currently involved in a project evaluating how nurses facilitate patient learning, a critical factor for patient participation in their treatment and care. The project has a qualitative descriptive design.

    Further, I am planning a validation study of an adapted diabetes diary for patients following total pancreatectomy. The diary has been developed with the goal to enhance patients self-management and learning.


  • Aborted surgery

    I am the site-PI for Karolinska in a multicenter project dedicated to patients who experience aborted cancer surgery. The goal is to design patient-specific interventions with the aim to enhancing quantity and quality of life. In the current phase of the project, we are doing psychometric evaluation of a translation and culture adoption of the Supportive Care Needs Survey – Short Form 34.


  • Fundamentals of care

    I am the site-PI for Karolinska in a multicenter project evaluated person-centered pain management informed by the fundamentals of care framework. In the current phase of the project, we are doing psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire measuring person-centered fundamental pain management

    At the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center I am leadning the work to implement the Fundamentals of care framework into clinical practise using a variaty of activites focusing on nursing actions.


  • Postoperative recovery

    I am collaborating in several project concerning recovery after pancreatic or liver surgery due to suspected cancer. The projects have both descriptive and predictive designs with the goal to enhance prognosis and care.




  • I supervise students who write their master thesis

    I am a clinical suoervisor for nursing students during their on-site training at the hospital.

    I regulary give lectures on surgical nursing and the role of the clinical nurse specialist. 

  • I am course leader for a course named Gastro-oncological care and nursing (7.5 credits).
    I am currently co-supervising two PhD-students.


All other publications


  • Precision Health in Nursing Care - Evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcomes as Predictors of Clinical Improvement
    Karolinska Institutet
    1 January 2025 - 31 December 2026


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2019-2021
  • Clinical Position, ME Övre Buk, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2019
  • Master (1 year) in Nursing Science, Nursing Science, Red Cross University College of Nursing, 2011
  • Bachelor Of Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2003
  • Bachelor Of Science In Nursing, Karolinska Institutet, 2003

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