Olena Gruzieva

Olena Gruzieva

Principal Researcher | Docent
Telephone: +46852480022
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Miljömedicinsk epidemiologi Gruzieva, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Current positions:

    Principal researcher, The Institute of Environmental Medicine, KI

    Epidemiologist, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Region Stockholm

    PI of the EMIL study (Etiological Mechanisms of air pollution effects in Infant Lung; Välkommen till EMIL | Karolinska Institutet (ki.se)

    2021: Associate Professor of Epidemiology
    2018-2022: Assistant Professor, The Institute of Environmental Medicine, KI
    2013-2016: Postdoc, The Institute of Environmental Medicine, KI
    2012: PhD, The Institute of Environmental Medicine, KI
    2007: MSc, Ukraine
    2006: MD, Ukraine


  • I am Associate Professor (Docent) and Research Group Leader at the Unit of Environmental Epidemiology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, KI. My research has primarily focused on effects of ambient air pollution on the development of asthma and allergy in children and adolescents. Much of my work is based on the ongoing Swedish birth cohort BAMSE (https://ki.se/en/imm/bamse-project), which has a strong focus on epidemiology, environmental exposures and genomics, EMIL cohort (https://ki.se/imm/valkommen-till-emil), along with extensive international collaborations (e.g. through the ESCAPE, PACE, MeDALL, EXPANSE consortia). Current projects involve large-scale studies of biomarkers, including epigenetic, transcriptomic, inflammatory and metabolomic, and interactions with various environmental factors (e.g., ambient air pollution, transportation noise, residential greenness) in context of respiratory and cardiometabolic conditions.


    PhD supervision:

    Shizhen He, completed 2024, main supervisor

    Maura Kere, reg 2021, half-time 2023, co-supervisor

    Simon Kebede Merid, completed 2022, co-supervisor

    Alva Wallas, completed 2019, co-supervisor

    Jesse Thacher, completed 2017, co-supervisor


    Postdoc supervision:

    Cornelia Santoso 2024-

    Zhebin Yu 2021-


    Master students:

    Gabriel Baldanzi, 2020 

    Valeriya Valieva, 2017


  • Course organizer, examiner and teacher: 
    "Methods for studying the distribution of health" within Master’s Programme in Public Health Sciences at KI (4FH082; 7.5 credits)


All other publications



  • Principal Researcher, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2021
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2013


  • Shizhen He, Biological mechanisms behind health effects of air pollution exposure from childhood to adulthood, 2020

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