Activities within the Network for Movement and Physical Function
Planned activities within the network include retreats, project funding, workshops, seminar series and a newsletter.

Retreats with a general orientation for the entire network or with a specific orientation such as "Bone Hub" retreats for the researchers in the field of bones. Companies will be invited as co-sponsors.
Project funds and start-up funds
Project funds and start-up funds sought in competition. Funds are used to support inter-institutional projects and innovations that have the potential to become a product. About 30-40k SEK per project. The requirement is that there must be at least two different departments involved in the project. External auditors are hired to counter fraud.
Training days and workshops
The idea is that each department host an "open house" per year to showcase activities for the network, for clinics, companies and the public. For example, "Meet a researcher" for high school students.
Seminar series
We will hold seminar series for the entire network, for example we will continue with the popular KI Bone Hub seminar series.
We plan on distributing a newsletter about 4 to 6 times per year, to market and advertise our activities in the network.