About the Research School in Health Science

Doctoral students in the school will be offered a structured series of related compulsory courses and relevant activities. Funds for the part-financing of doctoral students will also be advertised through the school. FiH funding is a grant for partial financing of doctoral education at KI and is intended to cover the doctoral student’s salary. The annual standard amount is equivalent to approximately 50% of the costs of a doctoral student’s salary for a period of four years.

A research school in health care science was established at KI in 2009. The National Doctoral School of Health Care Sciences (NFV) and later Doctoral School of Health Care Sciences (FiV) have admitted about 15 doctoral students every two years until 2018. Through a decision by the faculty board (2020-02-07), a new Research school in Health Science (FiH) has been established.

The goals of the school

The overall goal of the research school is to enhance healthcare education at the doctoral level and inspire high quality, healthcare-related research. One of the school’s focus areas will be implementation research. Other important aims are to contribute to the future teaching pool and to strengthen the research basis of first and second cycle education, mainly within the various health profession programmes at KI.

This is achieved by:

  • Offering doctoral education in high-quality research projects relevant to the needs of healthcare. FiH is an important actor in the funding of health science research. The research school's announcement process creates good conditions for research projects of high quality.
  • Offering doctoral students, a good knowledge base, cohesive structure, and targeted activities throughout the education. The compulsory courses will provide knowledge of concepts, designs, and analysis methods especially suitable for studying and understanding complex processes related to the research area. The school offers opportunities to create networks for both doctoral students and supervisors through various activities.

The research area Health Science

The research area of health science is based on a holistic view of humans and aims to develop knowledge about how physical, mental and social health can be promoted, maintained and regained, and how illness can be prevented, alleviated or cured at individual, group or societal level.

The area of the research school has the emphasis on interventions, evaluation, and implementation of methods for prevention or treatment. The research must be performed in close collaboration with users, stakeholders, and recipients. Examples of research that are included are theory and method development, process and effect evaluation, feasibility studies, or implementation studies. The areas of knowledge in health sciences are characterized by interprofessional, international and national collaboration. Areas which are not included are biomedical, medical, and preclinical research as well as pharmaceutical research.


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