Ambulatory Care Nursing - ACN
Ambulatory Care Nursing is a complex, multifaceted specialty that encompasses independent and collaborative research in clinical practice and development of theoretical knowledge.
Group leaders
Anna Carin Wahlberg
Senior LecturerVeronica Lindström
Affiliated to ResearchGroup members
Silje Gustafsson
Senior lecturer

Sara Heldring
Lecturer & PhD student, Sophiahemmet högskolaMats Holmberg
Klara Jepsen
Adjunct LecturerJakob Lederman
LecturerJonas Wihlborg
Research focus
Ambulatory Care Nursing is built on a broad knowledge of both nursing and caring sciences. Nursing science focuses on the human-universe-health process, the discipline specific knowledge is focused on development and use of knowledge concerning nursing’s phenomenon of concern. Caring science is developed as a human science based on an existential philosophy reviewing the spiritual basis of caring, where caring is the moral ideal of nursing. Caring science takes its starting point in human experiences, reactions and needs in their life situation.
Ambulatory Care Nursing includes those clinical, organizational and professional activities for individuals, groups, and populations who seek assistance with improving health and/or seek care for health-related problems outside established health care facilities as hospitals and community care. The ambulatory care is performed at both physical contacts, by telephone and at video meetings. The nurse-patient encounters may occur once or as a series of occurrences, and the encounter is less than 24 hours in length at any time. The nurse-patient encounter aims to advice, assist and support patients to manage their health care and/or advise them to optimal level of care. Research in Ambulatory Care Nursing includes; preventive care, supporting self-care, assessment of acute illness and injuries, the chain of care, and coordination of care, as well as end-of-life care at home.