Education in nursing

The Division of Nursing offers undergraduate and postgraduate nursing degree programmes, including specialist degree programmes in emergency, surgical, anaesthesia, pediatric, geriatric, psychiatric, oncology and public health nursing. In addition the division offers doctoral education in nursing as well as masters degrees in nursing and single-subject courses.

Nursing education at Karolinska Institutet strives to integrate classroom teaching, research and clinical practice. The overall goal of the Division of Nursing is to constitute an academic arena that takes part in the international development of nursing research and in the nursing profession.

The Division of Nursing has around 1000 students in its undergraduate nursing program, about a third of whom are in online education, and almost 600 in its specialist nursing programs, the majority of whom study through online programs on a part-time basis. All instruction is designed around flexible student-centred learning, has a large web-based component, and is based on the latest pedagogical research. Students spend almost half of their time engaged in clinical study in healthcare settings.

Hallmarks of nursing education at Karolinska Institutet include a strong research link interprofessional profile, clinical training and opportunities for international exchange.

Anna Jervaeus share her experiences working as a lecturer at the division.

Distance Education

Karolinska Institutet's nursing programme is also provided as a modified distance learning programme which means a combination of self study, found at the place of study and course location, online discussions, etc.

Exchange studies

There are great opportunities within the nursing programme to do a period of your education abroad. To carry out your work-based training or study a theoretical course in another country is something that provides you with new experiences. To experience a different culture from the inside is evolving, interesting and instructive, even if everything is not always as expected.

Study abroad is not only about to improve your academic experiences, but it will also provide you with new insights and experiences that you will have benefit from in your future careers as well as in your life. It also allows you to have many interesting contacts and perhaps friends for life.

Doctoral Education

At the division of nursing approximately 20 PhD students are registered.Recurrent PhD courses include:

  • #1873 Quality of life as an outcome measure in care sciences.

All PhD courses are announced on the Course catalogue for doctoral education. Applications should be submitted at the latest the 15th of October or the 15th of April for each semester.

Research- and doctoral studies 

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Lars E Eriksson

Head of research and higher education
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Ulrica Nilsson

Assisting director of doctoral education at NVS
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