Sickness absence in different occupations

There are large differences in sickness absence between occupations. In several of our studies, most occupations are included, in others focus is on specific occupations.

Sickness absence and disability pension among privately employed white-collar workers

Most studies about sickness absence or disability pension have either been general studies of the entire labour market, or focused on those occupational groups or branches of industry with high sickness absence rates. This means that the scientific knowledge about sickness absence among privately employed white-collar workers is very limited. We conduct prospective cohort studies on several cohorts of all those who were privately employed white-collar workers in 2012 and 2018, as well as of white-collar workers in the trade and retail industry. The project is based on Swedish register data.

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Sickness absence within the police force

The overall objective of this study is to achieve general knowledge about sickness absence within the police force and more specifically about gender differences. Sickness absence is more frequent among women than men within the Police. Increased knowledge in this area will make it easier to prioritize and take action to decrease sickness absence for women in the police organization. In the long run the aim for the police organization is to have an organization without differences in health and sickness absence between men and women. More scientific knowledge is needed about factors of importance for sickness absence to reach that goal. A literature review about sickness absence has been conducted, another is in progress about harassments within the police. In addition, data on sickness absence and work conditions from questionnaires distributed to all employed within the Police in 2005, 2007, and 2009 are being analyzed.

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The Working Life Cohort

In this prospective cohort study, about 5000 individuals are followed with three surveys.

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