Undergraduate education at the Department of Neuroscience

The Department of Neuroscience provides undergraduate education in core areas of medicine/biomedicine.


The Department is responsible for teaching in anatomy in several different study programs, foremost the medical and dental and programs. In most courses, anatomy is integrated with other disciplines in organ system-organized curricula. Anatomy teaching includes lectures, different forms of practical exercises, and human dissections.


Teaching in histology, also called microscopic anatomy, is performed within the medical and dental study programs. The histology teaching includes lectures and studies in groups or individually using digital microscopes and sections of various tissues and organs.


Basic-level neuroscience courses, integrating structure and function from ion channel to cognition, are given in the medical, biomedicine, dental and psychology study programs.

Contact and visit us

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding undergraduate education at the Department of Neuroscience.

Visiting address

Neuro Course Service Desk, Berzelius väg 3, floor 6, Campus Solna.

Opening hours

Opening hours may vary and are always posted outside the course service desk.

Director of studies for undergraduate education (GUA)

For information on applications and courses

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Marianne Rothoff

Educational Administrator
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Elinor Schüberg

Educational Administrator