NEURO administration and contact information
The administration unit of the Department of Neuroscience offers services in finance, human resources, doctoral education and communication. On this page you will also find addresses and other contact information for the department.
Admin at NEURO
All matters concerning personnel and economy are managed centrally by the Department, with the goal that researchers and teachers will have more time for their primary activities.
For services that require specialist competence such as procurement and legal matters, assistance is acquired from the central KI administration.
IT related matters are handled by the Information Technology Office responsible for common IT infrastructure at Karolinska Institutet. Read more about IT in Biomedicum.
In addition to serving researchers and teachers, the Department administration has the crucial responsibility of ensuring compliance with all laws and regulations, as well as properly managing the Department’s duties as a public authority.
Presence in Biomedicum
We aim to have at least one representative from each group in quarter A3 every day of the week. While we are generally all present on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can always reach us via Teams, email, or telephone.
If you would like to meet us in Biomedicum, please book a meeting to ensure we are available on site.
Members of the administrative unit
Sigge Berglann
Head of AdministrationEconomy/Accounting (
Therese Brogårde
ControllerPatricia Kouassi
Financial officerHuman Resources (
Malin Guvéus
HR PartnerFelicia Petersson
HR ManagerPart-time admin support
Agnes Ehrsson
Research AssistantHR and Finance Teams
We have grouped our HR and Finance functions into two teams, team Therese/Malin and Patricia/Felicia Petersson (see distribution in table). From now on, “your” team will be your main contact in any HR or Financial related issues.
- Animal Behaviour Core Facility - ABCF
- Ampatzis
- Carlén
- Ceccatelli
- Deliagina
- Falk
- Fisone
- Furlan
- Grillner
- Hadjab
- Harkany
- Hellgren Kotaleski
- Hermanson
- Ibañez
- Kiehn
- Lallemend
- Meister
- Meletis
- Olson
- Richter-Dahlfors
- Shupliakov
- Silberberg
- Borgkvist
- Brodin
- Carmine Belin
- Diaz-Heijtz
- Ehrsson
- El Manira
- Günther & Risling
- Fried
- Fuxe & Borroto-Escuela
- Herland
- Hökfelt
- Iovino
- Karlsson
- Kilteni
- Klingberg
- Mulder
- Santini
- Ullén
Undergraduate education
Marianne Rothoff
Educational administrator, undergraduate educationElinor Schüberg
Educational administrator, undergraduate educationDoctoral education
Victoria Balabanova
Educational administrator, doctoral educationCommunication/web
Charlotte Brandt
Communications officer and main web editor for NEUROContact and visit us
Karolinska Institutet's switchboard: +46 (0)8-524 800 00
Postal address
Karolinska Institutet
Department of Neuroscience
171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address (visitors, couriers, etc.)
Karolinska Institutet
Biomedicum, D7
Solnavägen 9
171 65 Solna
Delivery address (goods, parcels, etc.)
Tomtebodavägen 16
171 65 Solna
Billing address
Karolinska Institutet
Box 23 109
104 35 Stockholm
Reference: A unique individual reference code is required for the invoice to reach the right person. For any purchase or order, a correct individual reference code must be given to the supplier.
The code always starts with ZZ followed by the institution code and user ID and be mixed with letters and numbers: ZZ*instkod*KI-ID* (ZZXXXXXX)
Organisation number: 202100-2973
VAT number: SE202100297301