Administration at the Department of Neuroscience

The Administration at the Department of Neuroscience provides services for economy, personnel/HR, etc.

Availability during Summer 2024

The administration is unmanned between 15-26 July. In case of emergency, please contact the Head or Deputy Head of Department and/or Head of Administration during this period.


  • Head of Department (Prefekt): Gilberto Fisone, out of the office between 22 July–9 August (can be contacted by email or phone during leave)
  • Deputy Head of Department: Lennart Brodin, out of the office between 1 July–2 August (can be contacted by email or phone during leave)
  • Director of studies for undergraduate education (GUA): Björn Meister, on duty during the summer
  • Head of Administration (AC): Sigge Berglann, out of the office between 20–26 June, 3–12 July, 18–23 July and 29 July–2 August (can be contacted by email or phone during leave)

Financial unit

  • Controller: Therese Brogårde, out of the office on 4–5 July, 10–30 July and 7–9 August
  • Financial officer: Patricia Kouassi, out of the office between 24 June–7 August



Communication & web

  • Communications officer: Lotte Brandt, out of the office between 25 July–23 August

All matters concerning personnel and economy are managed centrally by the Department, with the goal that researchers and teachers will have more time for their primary activities.

For services that require specialist competence such as procurement and legal matters, assistance is acquired from the central KI administration.

IT related matters are handled by the Information Technology Office responsible for common IT infrastructure at Karolinska Institutet. Read more about IT in Biomedicum.

Besides providing service to researchers and teachers, another important task is that the Department administration is responsible for ensuring that all laws and rules are followed, as well as ensuring that the Department’s commission as a public authority is correctly managed.

Presence in Biomedicum

Our ambition is to have at least one person from each group present in quarter A3 every day of the week. Please check our availability further down on this page. You can always reach us via email, Teams or by phone.

If you wish to meet us in Biomedicum, please book a meeting to be sure that we are on site.

Members of the administrative unit

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Sigge Berglann

Head of Administration

Sigge Berglann is working on site in Biomedicum Monday through Wednesday.

Economy/Accounting (

Therese Broberg is working on site in Biomedicum Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Patricia Kouassi

Financial officer

Patricia Kouassi is working on site in Biomedicum Monday through Wednesday.

Human Resources (

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Malin Guvéus

HR Partner

Malin Guveus is working on site in Biomedicum Monday–Tuesday and Thursday on even weeks and Monday-Tuesday and Friday on odd weeks.

Felicia Petersson is working on site in Biomedicum Monday-Tuesday and Thursday.

HR and Finance Teams

We have grouped our HR and Finance functions into two teams, team Therese/Malin and Patricia/Felicia Petersson (see distribution in table). From now on, “your” team will be your main contact in any HR or Financial related issues.

  • Animal Behaviour Core Facility - ABCF
  • Ampatzis
  • Carlén
  • Ceccatelli
  • Deliagina
  • Falk
  • Fisone
  • Furlan
  • Grillner
  • Hadjab
  • Harkany
  • Hellgren Kotaleski
  • Hermanson
  • Ibañez
  • Kiehn
  • Lallemend
  • Meister
  • Meletis
  • Olson
  • Richter-Dahlfors
  • Shupliakov
  • Silberberg
  • Borgkvist
  • Brodin
  • Carmine Belin
  • Diaz-Heijtz
  • Ehrsson
  • El Manira
  • Günther & Risling
  • Fried
  • Fuxe & Borroto-Escuela
  • Herland
  • Hökfelt
  • Iovino
  • Karlsson
  • Kilteni
  • Klingberg
  • Mulder
  • Santini
  • Ullén

Undergraduate education

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Marianne Rothoff

Educational administrator, undergraduate education
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Elinor Schüberg

Educational administrator, undergraduate education

Doctoral education

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Victoria Balabanova

Educational administrator, doctoral education

Victoria Balabanova is working on site in Biomedicum on Tuesdays, and, if necessary on any other remaining day of the week.


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Charlotte Brandt

Communications officer and main web editor for NEURO