Suicides in the counties of Sweden

This page reports the occurrence of both suicides and deaths with undetermined intent in the counties of Sweden.

Suicide rate

In this section we present the number of suicides per 100,000 inhabitants (so-called suicide rate) in the counties of Sweden over the past five years (2019-2023). Persons 15+ years. The numbers include deaths with determined and undetermined intent.

Suicide rates (deaths with determined and undetermined intent) in the counties of Sweden over the past five years (2019-2023).
 Mean 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sweden 18,0 19,0 17,0 17,6 18,0 18,4
Stockholm county 16,0 17,0 16,2 14,9 14,9 17,1
Uppsala county 17,5 19,9 15,5 15,8 18,6 17,7
Södermanland county 18,1 20,2 16,0 16,3 19,0 19,3
Östergötland county 18,7 17,8 16,9 18,6 17,2 23,0
Jönköping county 17,2 20,3 12,4 17,1 17,6 18,8
Kronoberg county 19,0 20,1 20,6 16,9 21,0 16,7
Kalmar county 18,5 18,1 19,0 21,4 16,9 16,9
Gotland county 15,7 19,9 15,8 19,5 13,5 9,7
Blekinge county 20,7 22,6 19,6 18,1 24,1 18,8
Skåne county 19,0 19,7 17,4 18,4 21,5 17,9
Halland county 15,3 13,3 15,3 12,6 16,8 18,4
Västra Götaland county 17,6 18,7 17,6 18,3 18,0 15,6
Värmland county 21,2 20,8 19,9 22,4 18,9 23,9
Örebro county 18,4 17,6 13,1 18,6 16,6 26,3
Västmanland county 20,0 26,9 16,2 17,9 15,2 23,7
Dalarna county 22,8 23,5 24,7 22,1 21,7 22,1
Gävleborg county 20,8 25,5 20,4 19,2 20,0 18,7
Västernorrland county 18,0 16,6 12,7 25,0 19,6 16,2
Jämtland county 23,0 18,5 23,0 22,9 18,2 32,6
Västerbotten county 15,2 16,9 15,9 10,5 17,9 14,7
Norrbotten county 20,3 20,3 16,6 22,7 20,8 20,9


Suicide rate (deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) in the counties of Sweden. Persons 15+ years. The numbers include both deaths with determined and undetermined intent. Ranked according to average suicide rate 2019-2023.

Suicide rates (deaths with determined and undetermined intent) in the counties of Sweden over the past five years (2019-2023).
Västerbotten county 15,2
Halland county 15,3
Gotland county 15,7
Stockholm county 16,0
Jönköping county 17,2
Uppsala county 17,5
Västra Götaland county 17,6
Sweden 18,0
Västernorrland county 18,0
Södermanland county 18,1
Örebro county 18,4
Kalmar county 18,5
Östergötland county 18,7
Skåne county 19,0
Kronoberg county 19,0
Västmanland county 20,0
Norrbotten county 20,3
Blekinge county 20,7
Gävleborg county 20,8
Värmland county 21,2
Dalarna county 22,8
Jämtland county 23,0

Data source

The statistics were retrieved from the National Board of Health and Welfare and have been processed by NASP 2024-06-25.

Statistics for the years before 2023 (i.e. 2022 and earlier) have been adjusted retroactively by the National Board of Health and Welfare, and may therefore deviate from previously presented numbers. 


If you have questions about the statistics or have other questions, please contact nasp[@]