From the Baltic to the Black Sea: lifelong education and mental health promotion

The aim of this 3-year project is to use mental-health oriented lifelong education to suggest solutions for young age/older age problems in the areas of cognitive capital development and maintenance; mental health promotion; healthy lifestyle' promotion; and psycho-social tension relaxation. This health promoting project is funded by the Swedish Institute.

The project will also present to wide public how regional partnership and international universities' collaboration can help solve existing complex problems.

The main targets of the project

  • To evaluate local resources in lifelong education in Sweden, Russian Federation and Ukraine and to use experience of partners universities in developing mental health promotion education for seniors with wide involvement of the young teachers.
  • To develop a program with special pedagogic approaches targeting the mental health and cognitive capital issues for the elderly, training a group of young teachers in each participating region who will promote mental health during the teaching process.
  • To promote regional partnership and disseminate gained experience.


The partnership is lead by the following experts:

  • Prof. Danuta Wasserman, Professor of Psychiatry and Suicidology at NASP, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden.
  • Prof. Lars Jacobsson from Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
  • Dr. Tatyana Reytarova, Human Ecological Health, NGO (HEH)
  • Prof. Vsevolod Rozanov, Institute of Post-Diploma Innovative Education, Odessa National Mechnikov University (IIPE).
  • Prof. Andrey Lobanov, Independent Department of Theory and Methodology of Lifelong Learning, Pushkin Leningrad State University (LENGU)
  • Svetlana Soldatova, Business Center of the Tavrida Vernadsky National University (BCTNU)


Profile image

Danuta Wasserman

Professor, Senior