Top publication lists at MTC 2018

Presenting publications from MTC 2018.

Top publications 2018

The microenvironment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy supports lymphatic neovascularization.
Gucciardo E, Loukovaara S, Korhonen A, Repo P, Martins B, Vihinen H, Jokitalo E, Lehti K
J Pathol 2018 Jun;245(2):172-185

Tumor suppressor PNRC1 blocks rRNA maturation by recruiting the decapping complex to the nucleolus.
Gaviraghi M, Vivori C, Pareja Sanchez Y, Invernizzi F, Cattaneo A, Santoliquido B, et al
EMBO J. 2018 Dec;37(23):

A widely used sampling device in colorectal cancer screening programmes allows for large-scale microbiome studies.
Gudra D, Shoaie S, Fridmanis D, Klovins J, Wefer H, Silamikelis I, et al
Gut 2018 Sep;():

An engineered thermal-shift screen reveals specific lipid preferences of eukaryotic and prokaryotic membrane proteins.
Nji E, Chatzikyriakidou Y, Landreh M, Drew D
Nat Commun 2018 10;9(1):4253

The MDM2/MDMX-p53 Antagonist PM2 Radiosensitizes Wild-Type p53 Tumors.
Spiegelberg D, Mortensen A, Lundsten S, Brown C, Lane D, Nestor M
Cancer Res. 2018 Sep;78(17):5084-5093

Factor H binding proteins protect division septa on encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae against complement C3b deposition and amplification.
Pathak A, Bergstrand J, Sender V, Spelmink L, Aschtgen M, Muschiol S, et al
Nat Commun 2018 08;9(1):3398

Constitutive activation of WASp in X-linked neutropenia renders neutrophils hyperactive.
Keszei M, Record J, Kritikou J, Wurzer H, Geyer C, Thiemann M, et al
J. Clin. Invest. 2018 Aug;128(9):4115-4131

PHD3 Regulates p53 Protein Stability by Hydroxylating Proline 359.
Rodriguez J, Herrero A, Li S, Rauch N, Quintanilla A, Wynne K, et al
Cell Rep 2018 Jul;24(5):1316-1329

Mass Spectrometry Reveals the Direct Action of a Chemical Chaperone.
Gault J, Lianoudaki D, Kaldmäe M, Kronqvist N, Rising A, Johansson J, et al
J Phys Chem Lett 2018 Jul;9(14):4082-4086

Obesity Protects Cancer from Drugs Targeting Blood Vessels.
Cao Y
Cell Metab. 2018 06;27(6):1163-1165

Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Primary Clostridium difficile Infection.
Juul FE, Garborg K, Bretthauer M, Skudal H, Øines MN, Wiig H, Rose Ø, Seip B, Lamont JT, Midtvedt T, Valeur J, Kalager M, Holme Ø, Helsingen L, Løberg M, Adami HO
N Engl J Med 2018 Jun;378(26):2535-2536

Atrophy of skin-draining lymph nodes predisposes for impaired immune responses to secondary infection in mice with chronic intestinal nematode infection.
Feng X, Classon C, Terán G, Yang Y, Li L, Chan S, et al
PLoS Pathog. 2018 05;14(5):e1007008

Lymphatic endothelium stimulates melanoma metastasis and invasion via MMP14-dependent Notch3 and β1-integrin activation.
Pekkonen P, Alve S, Balistreri G, Gramolelli S, Tatti-Bugaeva O, Paatero I, et al
Elife 2018 05;7():

A DHODH inhibitor increases p53 synthesis and enhances tumor cell killing by p53 degradation blockage.
Ladds M, van Leeuwen I, Drummond C, Chu S, Healy A, Popova G, et al
Nat Commun 2018 03;9(1):1107

ΔNp73 enhances HIF-1α protein stability through repression of the ECV complex.
Stantic M, Wolfsberger J, Sakil H, Wilhelm M
Oncogene 2018 07;37(27):3729-3739

CD163+ macrophages promote angiogenesis and vascular permeability accompanied by inflammation in atherosclerosis.
Guo L, Akahori H, Harari E, Smith S, Polavarapu R, Karmali V, et al
J. Clin. Invest. 2018 03;128(3):1106-1124

Antibodies in children with malaria to PfEMP1, RIFIN and SURFIN expressed at the Plasmodium falciparum parasitized red blood cell surface.
Quintana M, Ch'ng J, Moll K, Zandian A, Nilsson P, Idris Z, et al
Sci Rep 2018 Feb;8(1):3262

Educated natural killer cells show dynamic movement of the activating receptor NKp46 and confinement of the inhibitory receptor Ly49A.
Staaf E, Hedde P, Bagawath Singh S, Piguet J, Gratton E, Johansson S
Sci Signal 2018 Feb;11(517):

STAT3 expression by myeloid cells is detrimental for the T- cell-mediated control of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Gao Y, Basile J, Classon C, Gavier-Widen D, Yoshimura A, Carow B, et al
PLoS Pathog. 2018 01;14(1):e1006809

Stand-alone ClpG disaggregase confers superior heat tolerance to bacteria.
Lee C, Franke K, Kamal S, Kim H, Lünsdorf H, Jäger J, et al
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018 01;115(2):E273-E282

Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment and the risk of gastric adenocarcinoma in a Western population.
Doorakkers E, Lagergren J, Engstrand L, Brusselaers N
Gut 2018 12;67(12):2092-2096

Mechanisms regulating expansion of CD8+ T cells during HIV-1 infection.
Nasi A, Chiodi F
J. Intern. Med. 2018 Mar;283(3):257-267

Lipids Shape the Electron Acceptor-Binding Site of the Peripheral Membrane Protein Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase.
Costeira-Paulo J, Gault J, Popova G, Ladds M, van Leeuwen I, Sarr M, et al
Cell Chem Biol 2018 03;25(3):309-317.e4

Ablation of endothelial VEGFR1 improves metabolic dysfunction by inducing adipose tissue browning.
Seki T, Hosaka K, Fischer C, Lim S, Andersson P, Abe M, et al
J. Exp. Med. 2018 02;215(2):611-626

Flt3 ligand expands bona fide innate lymphoid cell precursors in vivo.
Parigi S, Czarnewski P, Das S, Steeg C, Brockmann L, Fernandez-Gaitero S, et al
Sci Rep 2018 01;8(1):154

Alphavirus-induced hyperactivation of PI3K/AKT directs pro-viral metabolic changes.
Mazzon M, Castro C, Thaa B, Liu L, Mutso M, Liu X, et al
PLoS Pathog. 2018 01;14(1):e1006835

MYCNMYCN-amplified neuroblastoma maintains an aggressive and undifferentiated phenotype by deregulation of estrogen and NGF signaling.
Dzieran J, Rodriguez Garcia A, Westermark U, Henley A, Eyre Sánchez E, Träger C, et al
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018 02;115(6):E1229-E1238

Novel concept of the smart NIR-light-controlled drug release of black phosphorus nanostructure for cancer therapy.
Qiu M, Wang D, Liang W, Liu L, Zhang Y, Chen X, et al
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018 01;115(3):501-506

Monoclonal Antibodies against Specific p53 Hotspot Mutants as Potential Tools for Precision Medicine.
Hwang L, Phang B, Liew O, Iqbal J, Koh X, Koh X, et al
Cell Rep 2018 01;22(1):299-312

Content reviewer:
Sara Lidman