Information for Teachers

What are you as a teacher expected to do?

Create a lecture synopsis

Your lecture synopsis is a short description of what the students can expect to learn when attending your lecture. You also have the possibility to give them a task to complete before the lecture. For example some questions to answer, information on a web site they should read or someting to discuss that they should have spent some time thinking about before the lecture.

in this case, a lecture synopsis contains the following headings:

  • Reading instructions
  • After attending this lecture you will be able to... and then one or two blocks of text describing what your lecture is about (very short), and a task to compelete before the lecture (see above)
  • In addition to that your email address, your picture and one or two photographs, figures, images or animations.
  • You can also add links to web sites that you recommend for further reading or to collect information about you subject.
  • This lecture synopsis will be published in Pingpong ("the internal course web").
  • You can choose to create the synopsis in your personal workspace all by your self, or with support from us (workshops!) -- or you can e-mail the material to us and we will do the work for you.

If you are responsible for a seminar, you also make a synopsis - but a seminar synopsis. As you are more than just a few people contibuting to a seminar, you don't have to add pictures of everyone. It is enough with the name of the seminar responsible.

If you want us to do all the work with publishing the material, please submit it to us as soon as possible!

Contact Details for the MTC Education Office

Your Powerpoint presentation

If you have a Powerpoint presentation for your lecture please send it to us in time to upload it onto the course website before your lecture. Since the arrival of smartphones many students follow lectures live using the course website (Ping Pong), so having your presentation on the website while the lecture is actually taking place allows them to do this.

Overhead Slides

Contact us and we will make pdf-files from your OH-copies etc.

More Information

KI Education Website
Teaching and Learning
Kolla Källan (from skolverket)

Content reviewer:
Sara Lidman