HIC Publications

A list of Health Informatics Centre's scientific publications sorted by year.

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Empowered patients and informal care-givers as partners?-a survey study of healthcare professionals' perceptions.
Scott Duncan T, Riggare S, Bylund A, Hägglund M, Stenfors T, Sharp L, Koch S
BMC Health Serv Res 2023 Apr;23(1):404

Recommendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) on Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Second Revision.
Bichel-Findlay J, Koch S, Mantas J, Abdul SS, Al-Shorbaji N, Ammenwerth E, Baum A, Borycki EM, Demiris G, Hasman A, Hersh W, Hovenga E, Huebner UH, Huesing ES, Kushniruk A, Hwa Lee K, Lehmann CU, Lillehaug SI, Marin HF, Marschollek M, Martin-Sanchez F, Merolli M, Nishimwe A, Saranto K, Sent D, Shachak A, Udayasankaran JG, Were MC, Wright G
Int J Med Inform 2023 Feb;170():104908

What Makes a Quality Health App-Developing a Global Research-Based Health App Quality Assessment Framework for CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2: Delphi Study.
Hoogendoorn P, Versluis A, van Kampen S, McCay C, Leahy M, Bijlsma M, Bonacina S, Bonten T, Bonthuis MJ, Butterlin A, Cobbaert K, Duijnhoven T, Hallensleben C, Harrison S, Hastenteufel M, Holappa T, Kokx B, Morlion B, Pauli N, Ploeg F, Salmon M, Schnoor K, Sharp M, Sottile PA, Värri A, Williams P, Heidenreich G, Oughtibridge N, Stegwee R, Chavannes NH
JMIR Form Res 2023 Jan;7():e43905


Citizens' Use of eHealth Services During COVID-19 in Relation to National Policy Goals.
Koch S, Vimarlund V
Stud Health Technol Inform 2022 Jun;295():12-15

Data-driven support to decision-making in molecular tumour boards for lymphoma: A design science approach.
Rodríguez Ruiz N, Abd Own S, Ekström Smedby K, Eloranta S, Koch S, Wästerlid T, Krstic A, Boman M
Front Oncol 2022 ;12():984021

Meeting the Burden of Self-management: Qualitative Study Investigating the Empowering Behaviors of Patients and Informal Caregivers.
Scott Duncan T, Engström J, Riggare S, Hägglund M, Koch S
J Particip Med 2022 Nov;14(1):e39174

The International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics: 2021 Update.
Hersh WR, Haux R, Huesing E, Ball MJ, Kimura M, Otero P, Detmer D, Koch S, Saranto KK, Wright G
Yearb Med Inform 2022 Aug;31(1):7-10

User experience of self-reported computerized medical history taking for acute chest pain: The Clinical Expert Operating System Chest Pain Danderyd Study.
Sundberg K, Adeli A, Brandberg H, Spaak J, Koch S, Sundberg CJ, Zakim D, Kahan T, Fritzell K
Health Expect 2022 Dec;25(6):3053-3061

Nurses' experience of using video consultation in a digital care setting and its impact on their workflow and communication.
Razavi S, Farrokhnia N, Davoody N
PLoS One 2022 ;17(5):e0264876

Healthcare Professionals' Experience of Performing Digital Care Visits-A Scoping Review.
Lampickienė I, Davoody N
Life (Basel) 2022 Jun;12(6):

Predictive models for clinical decision making: Deep dives in practical machine learning.
Eloranta S, Boman M
J Intern Med 2022 Aug;292(2):278-295

Parental responses and catastrophizing in online cognitive behavioral therapy for pediatric functional abdominal pain: A mediation analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
Lalouni M, Bujacz A, Bonnert M, Jensen KB, Rosengren A, Hedman-Lagerlöf E, Serlachius E, Olén O, Ljótsson B
Front Pain Res (Lausanne) 2022 ;3():962037

Cognitive bias and attitude distortion of a priority decision.
Svenson O, Lindholm Öjmyr T, Appelbom S, Isohanni F
Cogn Process 2022 Aug;23(3):379-391

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