Junior Faculty at LIME

The Junior Faculty at LIME is an organisation of and for researchers with a PhD but not yet a permanent academic position at LIME.

People walking on an arrow to the left
LIME Junior faculty Photo: Marie Lind

LIME Junior Faculty

Chair: Emma Eliasson

Vice chair: Stefano Bonacina

Other contact: Henrike Häbel

The LIME JF provides support to junior faculty by organising seminars, workshops and activities to promote career development before docent.

LIME JF also works as a local complement to the KI central Junior Faculty by attending to specific needs for researchers at LIME, with different topics of research.

LIME Junior Faculty Mentorship Programme

LIME JF are pleased to announce this years’ Mentorship programme to start in the Autumn of 2024. Within this programme we will look to match mentors (Professors, Docents and Senior Faculty at LIME) with mentees (early career researchers, Junior staff, postdocs). An estimate of the time to devote to mentorship is two hours per month (November 2024 – April 2025). However, mentor-mentee pairs can arrange meetings according to their preferences. Topics for the meetings can be related to networking, career paths and opportunities, sharing of knowledge and experience. If you are interested in participating, please contact: emma.eliasson@ki.se.

Matching session

A matching session with mentees and mentors will be held at Widerströmska (room tbc) on the 29th of October between 11-13 at Widerströmska (room: Insikten) with lunch included. Link to calendar event

Workshop on career paths

Workshop on career paths at KI 29th Oct, 13:00-14:00, Widerströmska (room: Insikten) Together we will go through a presentation created by LIME HR on career paths at KI according to LAS and HF. We will identify paths relevant for Junior Faculty and create a flowchart. Link to calendar event