IMPROVE project

The IMPROVE project is a 4-year implementation study with the purpose of testing the scalability of the 4-component Healthy School Start Programme in schools in three municipalities in Stockholm County. Read more about the Healthy School Start Programme described under the heading: A Healthy School Start.

Our hypothesis is that implementation strategies tailored to context-specific barriers and facilitators leads to significantly better implementation with high fidelity to the programme with sustained effects on child and parent health outcomes. 

The project includes three work packages with the following aims: 

  1. Develop implementation strategies collaboratively with stakeholders based on collective knowledge of context-specific barriers and facilitators 
  2. Evaluate effectiveness of two different bundles of implementation strategies (Basic and Enhanced) on fidelity to the programme, while monitoring outcomes at organizational and individual level in a hybrid type 3 study 
  3. Design of an implementation infrastructure to facilitate sustainment of the Healthy School Start programme. 


The project has obtained funding from the Swedish Research Council FORTE during 2020-2025. 


Article: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021;21(1):1630 

IMplementation and evaluation of the school-based family support PRogram a Healthy School Start to promote child health and prevent OVErweight and obesity (IMPROVE) - study protocol for a cluster-randomized trial 

Elinder LS; Wiklund CA; Norman A; Stattin NS; Andermo S; Patterson E; Hemmingsson E; Cook C; Raposo S; Kwak L 

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