Wide-scale Implementation and evaluation of the school-based family support Programme – A Healthy School Start Plus to promote child health and prevent Overweight and obesity (IMPROVE)

The IMPROVE project is a 4-year implementation study with the purpose to test the scalability of the 4-component Healthy School Start Programme in all schools in three municipalities in Stockholm County. Read more about the Healthy School Start Programme described under the project heading: A Healthy School Start Plus.

Our hypothesis is that the intentional use of implementation strategies that are tailored to context-specific barriers and facilitators leads to significantly better implementation and sustained effects on child and parent health outcomes.

The project includes three work packages with the following aims:

  1. Develop implementation strategies collaboratively with stakeholders based on collective knowledge of context-specific barriers and facilitators
  2. Evaluate effectiveness of different implementation strategies on implementation, organisation and client outcomes in a comparative effectiveness study using a hybrid type 3 evaluation design
  3. Design of an implementation infrastructure to facilitate sustainment of the programme.


The project has obtained funding from the Swedish Research Council FORTE for 2020-2024.


Contact person for the project

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