CHEST: Coordination of Health and Social care for TB patients in Mozambique | Social medicine, infectious diseases and migration (SIM)

The aim of this project is to develop, implement and evaluate a bi-directional referral system for tuberculosis patients in Mozambique. Mozambique is among the countries with the highest TB burden in the world.

Improving the referral between social and health services for TB patients could have benefits for both TB patients and national TB programmes. When TB patients could be referred to potentially lifesaving grants that can support their treatment adherence, TB control can also be enhanced by using the social protection schemes as platform for TB case finding among the most vulnerable groups. CHEST will evaluate a multisectoral approach with a bi-direction referral system and coordinated patient support, in equal collaboration with Instituto Nacional de Saude, Mozambique, supported by Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Tampere University.

The project is funded with a grant from the Swedish Research Council.


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