Artificial intelligence for diagnostics of cancer and infectious diseases in resource-limited settings - the MoMic Project
We are studying novel methods based on mobile microscopy (MoMic) and artificial intelligence (AI) which are used in point of care diagnosis and screening for cervical cancer, neglected tropical diseases and malaria. AI algorithms are developed and applied to the analysis of biological samples and support human experts in diagnostics. Substantial improvement of image-based diagnostics can be achieved largely due to recent advances within a specific domain of AI entitled deep learning.
In proof-of-concept studies in Kenya and Tanzania have shown that it is feasible to digitally scan microscopy samples using low-cost mobile microscopy scanners and apply image-based AI analysis to support the diagnostic process.
The Momic project has been awarded major grants from the Erling-Persson Family Foundation and the Swedish research Council and is part of the GlobeLife initiative established by KI and Uppsala University (UU).
Main partners are KI, UU, University of Helsinki, Kinondo Kwetu Hospital in Kenya and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in Tanzania.