NeurotechEU: Common policies and strategy (WP4)

The main focus of the work package lead by Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Turkey) and co-lead by Reykjavik University (Iceland) is to enhance collaboration within and beyond the NeurotechEU alliance and develop a strategy for technology transfer to translate neurotechnology into high-impact applications for European society and the economy.


Deliverables Responsible university
NeurotechEU report integrating multicultural components during events Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie (Romania)
Cooperation models including the sustainable regional development Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands)
Translation of innovation into the industry Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany)

The work package focuses on enhancing collaboration within the NeurotechEU alliance and with associated partners through common roadmaps and research programs. It aims to expand the consortium by adding at least two new universities, including one from a widening country, and to establish partnerships with at least three European University Alliances. Additionally, it will develop long-term sustainability scenarios for NeurotechEU in line with EU values and policies and create a common strategy for technology transfer to translate neurotechnology into high-impact applications for European society and the economy.

KI has currently no representation in the work package.


Emma Hägg