Academic networks

KI participates in a number of international academic networks in order to facilitate opportunities for collaborative research and exchanges. These collaboration networks are coordinated by the International Relations Office.

The Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health (CESH)
Photo: Davidson Ndyabahika.

Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health

The virtual centre is a long-standing collaboration in research and education between KI and Makerere University in Uganda.

The Centre aims to:

  • develop capacity and mobilise actions to drive the agenda for sustainable health
  • investigate and promote new ways of operationalising a holistic and sustainable take on health in the 21st century


KI is a member of Eurolife - a network of nine European universities.

Eurolife aims to promote:

  • collaborative research and education activities
  • exchange of researchers, research students and master students
  • creation of new research opportunities within the field of Life Sciences (Biomedicine and Medicine)

KI student ambassador Sara blogged about her Eurolife Winter School experience in Austria. Watch the film and read the blog to learn more about the collaboration from the student perspective.

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Anna Dahlerus

Eurolife Coordinator

WHS Academic Alliance (formerly M8 Alliance)

The WHS Academic Alliance is the academic netowork of the World Health Summit. It currently consists of 30 members (including KI) worldwide, including the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) represents the national academies of medicine and science in more than countries.

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Stefan Swartling Peterson

WHS Academic Alliance Coordinator

Magna Charta

KI signed the Magna Charta Universitatum which contains principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy as a guideline for good governance and self-understanding of universities in the future.

Kristina Jesinkey

Magna Charta Coordinator
NeurotechEU logotype


NeurotechEU - the European University of Brain and Technology, is an alliance of eight European universities which aims to build a trans-European network of excellence in brain research and technologies by 2040.

NeurotechEU is a part of EU's European Universities initiative

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Ylva Olsson

NeurotechEU project manager
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Maria Olsson

NeurotechEU project manager

Network Medicine Alliance

Harvard University, KI and other European universities established the Network Medicine Alliance. The multidisciplinary expertise within this network facilitates joint progress by using network theory to measure on a microscopic scale the relation between genes, proteins, endogenous and exogenous metabolites and diseases. On a larger scale the framework of multilevel networks will measure the likelihood and possible strength of side effects in patient treatment. Finally, on a macroscopic scale, data analysts can use network theory to assess quantitatively risky patient behavior. All these approaches are a powerful pillar in establishing diagnosis, risk prediction and treatment on an individual basis.

Current activities include:

  • exchange of faculty and staff members, graduate and undergraduate students
  • joint grant applications
  • joint implementation of research projects
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Lise-Lotte Vedin

Network Medicine Alliance Coordinator

NorDoc - Nordic Doctoral Training

KI is a member of a Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences (NorDoc) that provides free access to doctoral courses for students of NorDoc partner universities. Admission and selection is handled according to the local rules of each NorDoc partner. Courses within NorDoc

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Matti Nikkola

Nordic Doctoral Training Coordinator
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Lotta Lundqvist

Nordic Doctoral Training Coordinator

Scholars at Risk

KI is a member of Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) - an international network of higher education institutions dedicated to protecting threatened scholars, preventing attacks on higher education communities and promoting academic freedom worldwide.

Kristina Jesinkey

Scholars at Risk Coordinator

EUHA, the European University Hospital Alliance

EUHA, the European University Hospital Alliance, is an organization of leading European university hospitals working together to develop and improve university hospital care with a focus on care, education and research. Karolinska Institutet is involved through Karolinska University Hospital's membership in EUHA.

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Isabella Palomba Rydén

Coordinator for KI in EUHA