Applying for doctoral courses within an agreement

KI has established a number of formal collaborative agreements with universities, research institutions and networks that allow doctoral students to apply for doctoral courses at KI on the same conditions as doctoral students admitted to doctoral education at KI.

Important information to prospective course applicants. Remember to include information in your application which collaboration you are part of.

Doctoral students within the below listed agreements are prioritised in the same way as KI doctoral students, according to our general selection criteria. Please note that some courses in the course catalogue are only open to applicants with a KI login. This applies mainly to courses that are compulsory for KI doctoral students. Where relevant, this will be indicated in the course description, but can also be seen by clicking on the blue application button.

However, if you are a doctoral student and part of one of the collaborations listed below, you can still apply for these courses by sending an email to the contact person for the course during the regular application period. Please be sure to include all the details required for a complete application and state which collaboration agreement you are part of. Your application can then be processed manually.



The Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Collaboration in Canada


The University of Tokyo (UTokyo).

Collaboration in Japan


Nanyang Technological University

National University of Singapore.

Collaboration in Singapore


Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)

Collaboration with MUHAS


Makerere University.

Collaboration in Uganda

United Kingdom

The University of Edinburgh 

Collaboration in the United Kingdom 


National Institute of Health (NIH)

The Rockefeller University


Apart from Karolinska Institutet the other participating Eurolife institutions are

  • Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands),
  • Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria)
  •  Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
  •  University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
  •  University Medical Center Göttingen (Germany)
  •  University of Strasbourg (France)
  •  Trinity College of Dublin (Ireland)
  •  Semmelweis University (Hungary).

Eurolife programme


The European University of Brain and Technology - NeurotechEU is an alliance between eight European universities with the goal to build a trans-European network of excellence in brain research and technologies to increase the competitiveness of European education, research, economy and society.

Apart from Karolinska Institutet the other participating Neurotech institutions are

  • Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands) 
  • Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain)
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany)
  • Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Turkey)
  • University of Lille (France)
  • Reykjavik University (Iceland)
  • Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Iuliu Hațieganu” din Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Content reviewer:
Emma Hägg