Radio Interviews - ALS Clinical Research Group
Take some time to listen to these three new ALS related radio interviews, from April 23th 2024.

Expanding ALS research in Sweden
Sofia Imrell she talks us through her recent research on the latest ALS numbers in Sweden. By bridging teams and creating collaborations, such as with Sofia who is conducting her PhD in the university of Örebro but under the supervision of Caroline Ingre, we believe bigger and better ALS projects will come to light.
Picture to use to illustrate: the picture of Sofia that is on the link, with the crediting for the picture to Tomas Hedman/Sveriges Radio
2. Teorierna: Därför drabbas allt fler svenskar av ALS 23 april 2024 - Dagens Eko | Sveriges Radio
ALS, a very Swedish story
The recent work from our team was discussed on the Radio as Tomas Hedman presented results showing an increase in the number of ALS cases everyhwere in the work but specifically in Sweden. You can listen to the story of Victoria Sandsjoe from Karlstad, who shares her journey since her ALS diagnosis at a young age.

3. Experter vill se ALS-forskning på fler platser i Sverige - Nyheter (Ekot) | Sveriges Radio
Paving the way in ALS research
Listen to Caroline elaborate on the importance of more ALS research in Sweden. "My intention with this is that not everyone should be linked to me at Karolinska, but that I should be able to help ALS research to become established in other places in Sweden" says Caroline.