Bone Hub retreat 2023
Welcome to the launch event for KI Bone Hub and Tissue and Motion. This is a day and a half event which will include presentations from invited speakers, research introduction from group leaders within KI Bone Hub, poster exhibition and time for networking.
Bone Hub retreat 2023
Welcome to the launch event for KI Bone Hub and Tissue and Motion. This is a day and a half event which will include presentations from invited speakers, research introduction from group leaders within KI Bone Hub, poster exhibition and time for networking.
Date: 9th -10th May 2023
Venue: Almåsa Havshotell, Almåsavägen 20, 137 91 Västerhaninge
Invited speakers
Elazar Zelzer, Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, and
Andrew Pitsillides, Royal Veterinary College, University of London
Register to KI Bone Hub retreat here
Registration will be open between February 1st and March 20th, 2023.
Attendance is limited, and participants will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Applicants who are members of KI Bone Hub and have a research interest in skeletal tissues will be prioritised.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet and network with researchers within bone and cartilage field.
Warm welcome!
Sara Windahl
Phillip Newton
Fan Wang