Publications related to CEMTE

Publikations related to the CEMTE project

Peer-reviewed articles

Weurlander, M., Wänström, L., Seeberger, A., Lönn, A., Barman, L., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2024) Development and validation of the physician self-efficacy to manage emotional challenges Scale (PSMEC)BMC Medical Education 24, 228. 

Lönn, A., Weurlander, M., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2023) The impact of emotionally challenging situations on medical students’ professional identity formationAdvances in Health Sciences Education 28, 1557–1578. 

Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Thornberg, R., Hult, H., ... & Wernersson, A. (2023). Hardness or Resignation: How Emotional Challenges During Work-Based Education Influence the Professional Becoming of Medical Students and Student TeachersVocations and Learning, 1-21.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2022) Emotional responses to challenges to emerging teacher identities in teacher education: Student teachers’ perspectives on suitability. Journal of Education for Teaching.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2022). The emotional journey of the beginning teacher: Phases and coping strategies. Research Papers in Education, 1-21. 

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R, Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2021). Change advocacy: Student teachers and beginning teachers coping with emotionally challenging situations. Teachers and Teaching: Theory & Practice.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2020). Talk of teacher burnout among student teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R., & Colnerud, G. (2020). Ethical dilemmas at work placements in teacher education. Teaching Education.

Seeberger, A., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Weurlander, M. & Wernerson, A. (2020) Can empathy be preserved during medical education?  International Journal of Medical Education, 11, 83-89. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5e83.31cf 

Weurlander, M (2020) Becoming a physician involves learning to manage uncertainty and learning how to fail. Commentary. Medical Education, 54: 776-778. doi:10.1111/medu.14255

Weurlander, M., Lönn, A., Seeberger, A., Hult, H, Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2019) Emotional challenges of medical students generate feelings of uncertainty. Medical Education, 53: 1037–1048. DOI: 10.1111/medu.13934

Lindqvist, H. (2019). Student teachers’ use of strategies to cope with emotionally challenging situations in teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45, 540-552.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2019). Conflicts viewed through the micro-political lens: Beginning teachers’ coping strategies for emotionally challenging situations. Research Papers in Education, 35, 746-765.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2019) Boundaries as coping: Emotional labour and relationship maintenance in distressing teacher education situations. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42, 634-649.

Weurlander, M., Lönn, A., Seeberger, A., Broberger, E., Hult, H. & Wernerson, A. (2018) How do medical and nursing students experience emotional challenges during clinical placements? International Journal of Medical Education, 9:74-82. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5a88.1f80

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Resolving feelings of professional inadequacy: Student teachers’ coping with distressful situations. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 270–279.

Weurlander, M., Scheja, M., Hult, H. & Wernerson, A. (2012) Emotionally challenging learning situations: medical students’ experiences of autopsies. International Journal of Medical Education, 3:63-70. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.4f75.fb65

Peer-reviewed conference contributions

Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2021) The influence of emotional challenges on students’ professional becoming – a comparative study. Abstract Earli conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 23-27 August 2021.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2020). Change advocacy: Student teachers and beginning teachers coping with emotionally challenging situations. Accepterat till Symposium (Beginning teachers: getting beyond a deficit view of the induction phase) till AERA i San Fransisco, USA, 17-21 april, 2020. Inställd på grund av Covid-19.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2020). Emotionally Challenging Episodes in Teacher Education: Student Teachers’ Perspectives on Suitability for the Teacher Occupation. Accepterat som Paper presentation till AERA i San Fransisco, USA, 17-21 april, 2020. Inställd på grund av Covid-19.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R., Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2019). Conflicts starting to teach: Beginning teachers coping with emotionally challenging situations. Paper presenterat på 47th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Uppsala, Sverige, 6-8 mars 2019.

Lönn, A., Weurlander, M., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2018) The struggle for professionalization – students’ experiences of emotionally challenging situations during medical school. Abstract AMEE conference, Basel, Switzerland, Aug 25-29, 2018.

Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Broberger, E., Seeberger, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R., & Wernerson, A. (2018). Osäkerhet och otillräcklighet: studenters upplevelser i känslomässigt starka situationer under VFU. Paper presenterat vid Forskning om Högre Utbildning i Lund, Sverige, 15-16 maj, 2018.

Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R., & Wernerson, A. (2018). Drawing Boundaries: Medical and Teacher Students’ Ways of Managing Emotional Challenges during Workplace Education. Paper presenterat på AERA i New York, USA, 13-17 april 2018.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2018). Talk of Teacher Burnout among Student Teachers. Paper presenterat på AERA i New York, USA, 13-17 april 2018.

Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2018) Drawing Boundaries: Medical and Teacher Students’ Ways of Managing Emotional Challenges during Workplace Education. Abstract AERA conference, New York City, USA, 13-17 April 2018.

Lönn, A., Weurlander, M., Hult, H., Seeberger, A., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2018) The workplace as an arena for education: Healthcare students´ experiences of emotionally challenging situations. Abstract NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, March 2018.

Lindqvist, H., Thornberg, R., Weurlander, M., & Wernerson, A. (2018). Boundary work in coping with distressful teacher education situations. Paper presenterat på 46th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Oslo, Norge, 8-10 mars 2018.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Student teachers’ ethical dilemmas of work placement education. Paper presenterat på EthiCo, What may be learnt in ethics - EthiCo, What may be learnt in ethics - Present and future conceptions of ethical competence, i Göteborg, Sverige, 11-13 december 2017.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Resolving feelings of professional inadequacy: the acceptance and postponing strategies. Paper presenterat på 18th Biennial ISATT Conference i Salamanca, Spanien, 3-7 juli 2017.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2017). Student teachers' learning and coping in distressful teaching education situations. Paper presenterat på 45th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Köpenhamn, Danmark, 23-25 mars 2017.

Weurlander, M., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R. & Wernerson, A. (2016) Medical students’ feelings of inadequacy during clinical practice. Abstract AMEE conference, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 27-31 2016.

Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Hult, H., Wernerson, A., & Thornberg, R. (2016). Resolving feelings of inadequacy: What student teachers learn from perceived emotionally distressful situations in teacher education. Paper presenterat på 44th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association i Helsingfors, Finland, 9-11 mars 2016

Overview articles, book chapters, books

Weurlander, M. (2024) När lärandet blir svårt: En forskningsöversikt om studenters upplevelser av känslomässiga utmaningar i undervisningssituationerHögre utbildning14(1), 90–114.

Lindqvist, H. (2022). Det känslomässiga arbetet att bli lärare: Hantering av känslor och konflikter i lärarprofessionen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Lindqvist H. (2023). Handledares perspektiv på lärarstudenters känslomässiga utmaningar under VFU. Venue, 24

Lindqvist, H. (2020). Lärarstudenters strategier för att hantera känslomässiga utmaningar. Venue.  

Åsa Catapano