Members of the KI-MCM Network

Members of the network - research labs and clinical members

Photo: Annika Viljamaa

The key questions the network currently addresses include

  • What cellular processes allow tumor cells to replace healthy, benign parenchymal cells? Research Groups Marco Gerling, Martin Enge.
  • What are the cellular mechanisms of immune invasion characteristic of metastases, and how are they regulated by the microenvironment? Research Groups Niklas Björkström, Arne Östman.
  • What is the role of senescent cells in the metastatic microenvironment and how do they contribute to immune evasion and cancer cell invasion? Research Groups Federico Pietrocola, Marco Gerling.

Participating Researchers and Clinicians

Research Labs

Clinical Members

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Jennie Engstrand

Affiliated to Research

Liver- and pancreas surgeon

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Ernesto Sparrelid

Affiliated to Research

Liver- and pancreas surgeon, 
Head of Unit, Upper GI Surgery, Theme Cancer

Carlos Fernández Moro

Affiliated to Research

Liver- and pancreas pathologist

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Marco Gerling

Principal Researcher

Oncologist, upper GI malignancies

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