Recap from Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) visit, May 2023

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), visited Karolinska CCC on May 15-16th, 2023.

The chair, Erlend Smeland, together with the other member have long experience and expertise within cancer research and they reviewed the progress of the Karolinska CCC since the last meeting in March 2022.The discussions focused on research vision and strategy, governance and the challenges regarding development in precision medicine and the demands of IT solutions to support the development. Anna Nilsson and Pernilla Grillner presented the research landscape within pediatric oncology and hematology and the process of joining the Karolinska CCC when it is time for the re-accreditation 2024.

Members of the SAB for Karolinska CCC:

Alison Richardson, University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton

Cornelis van de Velde, Leiden University Medical Center

Erlend B. Smeland, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo (chair)

Josep Tabernero, Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology and Medical Oncology Department

Julian Downward, Francis Crick Institute in London

Laura Esserman, University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Centre

Nancy Berliner, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Dina Dabaghie