Contact or visit Karolinska Institutet
Do you need to get in touch with someone at Karolinska Institutet? Here you will find the information you need to call or email us.
Karolinska Institutet
Switchboard, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fax: +46-(0)8-31 11 01
Postal address: Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address: Nobels väg 6, Solna and Alfred Nobels Allé 8, Huddinge
Registrar's Office
Alternative Email: arkivet@ki.se
Visiting address: Nobels väg 5, Solna
Opening hours: Monday-Friday at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed for lunch at 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
Find your way here

KI Campus Solna
Find a map and other practical information about the campus area in Solna. On the other side of Solnavägen the research building Bioclinicum can be found adjacent to Karolinska University Hospital.

KI Campus Flemingsberg
Find a map, parking and other practical information about the campus area in Flemingsberg. KI's buildings are located between Södertörn University and Karolinska University Hospital.

The Press Office at Karolinska Institutet answers questions from journalists and can convey contact information to the university management, researchers, teachers and other experts in the business.
Press contact
Phone: 08-524 860 77
Email: pressinfo@ki.se

Guidelines on photographing, filming and sound-recording on the Karolinska Institutet premises
Recording on the KI premises requires a permit unless it is for private use or done at the request of the university. Transparency and accessibility are essential to desseminate information about the research, education and other activities conducted at KI.

KI webshop
Karolinska Institutet's promotional products with the KI logo can be purchased online or in stores. You can also place special orders for an event or trade fair.
Become a patient of a student

The eye clinic at the Optometry program
KI trains future opticians and specialists in clinical optometry and offers vision examinations of students under the supervision of teachers who are licensed opticians.

Welcome to the Dental Clinic
The University Dental Service is Karolinska Institutet's dental clinic. Here you can be treated by students studying to become dentists or dental hygienists, or by their teachers who are all licensed dentists and dental hygienists. We also have specialist dentists in most subjects who treat children and adults with more severe problems.
Bank and payment information
Send electronic invoice to Karolinska Institutet
Organisation number: 202100-2973
Vat number: SE202100297301