Web training: Research ethics for researchers in medicine

The medical faculties in Sweden have in a collaboration developed a short, condensed web training in research ethics: Research ethics for researchers in medicine.

The web training is now available to all researchers at Karolinska Institutet, as well as to researchers at other medical faculties in the country. The education is primarily aimed at those who have defended their dissertations and need an update on research ethics issues.

The goal is that the participant, upon completion of the course, shall:

  • be familiar with important research ethical theories and principles.
  • be able to identify and reflect upon ethical aspects of research.

The content of the online training

  • Introduction to research ethics
  • Research on humans
  • The Swedish ethical review system
  • Research misconduct
  • Ethical publishing
  • Being a researcher at a university / an authority in Sweden
  • Research under other regulations

For each part, you need to complete a number of quiz questions in order to move on to the next part. Those who have completed the web training receive a certificate. The education is not credit-bearing but can of course be added to your CV as a pedagogical merit.

Register to the web training

Welcome to register here.

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