Definitions of categories when applying for KI Housing

Below you can find the definitions of categories that are eligible to apply for KI Housing, and also what supporting documentation you must upload depending on what category you belong to.

Category 1. Exchange students 

Definition and conditions

Exchange students studying at partner universities that have  exchange agreements with KI within the following exchange programmes:


Supporting documentation

Exchange students must upload the acceptance letter from an international coordinator at the Education Support Office at KI. See an example of an acceptance letter.

More information about requirements for exchange studies at KI.

Category 2. Fee-paying students 

Definition and conditions

Students who are admitted to programs or free-standing courses offered at KI and are required to pay application and tuition fees.

Supporting documentation

Fee-paying students must upload the acceptance letter from confirming that they are admitted to a program at KI and that they will pay a tuition fee for this program.

Category 3. Erasmus+

Definition and conditions

Internship students and traineeship students coming within Erasmus+ or another mobility programme (SEMPEurolife and NeurotechEU).

Supporting documentation

All internship students and traineeship students must upload this form for KI Housing.

Students within Erasmus+ must upload their Erasmus+ Learning Agreement.

Students within other mobility programs must upload supportive documentation confirming their acceptance to the mobility program.

Category 4. PhD students at KI

Definition and conditions

PhD students admitted to a doctoral education program at KI (students at research level) who have started their studies within the last six months. 

Supporting documentation

PhD students must upload the Decision of admission to doctoral education at KI.

More information about doctoral education at KI.

Category 5. Guest researchers and employed researchers at KI

5.1 Guest researchers

Definition and conditions

Researchers (PhD students or with a PhD degree) who are visiting KI for research, provided that they are not employed by KI. 


  • Postdoctoral studies or fellowships
  • Guest doctoral students including so-called sandwich doctoral students
  • Guest teacher on teacher/training exchange

Supporting documentation

This category must upload this form for KI Housing 

Non-EU applicants must also provide a Hosting Agreement for visiting researchers in Sweden, if the planned visit is longer than three months.

EU applicants must also provide an invitation letter from the inviting institution at KI. The academic status of the researcher must be described in the letter.

5.2 Employed researchers at KI

Definition and conditions

Employed researchers at KI with the following conditions:

  • early in their careers,  PhD obtained within a maximum of 5 years
  • have been employed by KI for a maximum of 6 months


  • Postdoc
  • Assistant professor
  • Research specialist

Supporting documentation

This category must upload this form for KI Housing.

Ineligible categories

From January 1st, 2023, the Swedish government has changed the regulations regarding which categories of international students and researchers that may be offered accommodation from higher education institutions. 

If you do not belong to one of the eligible categories above, you are unfortunately ineligible to apply for KI Housing accommodation.

Examples of ineligible categories

  • Students coming from an EU- or EEA-country or Switzerland who have been accepted to a bachelor's or master program at KI
  • Students who organize their studies independently outside of established exchange agreements or a mobility program such as Erasmus+
  • Research assistants without a PhD degree

If you are ineligible to apply for accommodation through KI Housing, we recommend you to search for other accommodation alternatives

Content reviewer:
Malin Norman