Available positions at KI

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Upp till två forskningsassistenter i metavetenskap (deltid)Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Systemutvecklare till Karolinska Institutet UniversitetsbiblioteketUniversity Library
PhD position in pediatric oncology with a focus on immunity and infectionDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health
PhD student position on human B-cell genome instability and malignant transformation using genetically engineered organoidDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Projektsamordnare vid avdelningen för klinisk epidemiologiClinical Epidemiology division
Doctoral (PhD) student position investigating the effects of artificial blue light on behavior, thoughts, and emotion in the subway system.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
Title TADepartment of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset
Doctoral (PhD) student position in cancer immunotherapyDepartment of Laboratory Medicine
ObduktionsteknikerDepartment of Neuroscience
Adjunkt inom parodontologiDepartment of Dental Medicine
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Precision PsychiatryDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience
Studievägledare till läkarprogrammet på Karolinska InstitutetUtbildningsstöd
Forskningsassistent till institutionen för Global folkhälsa (50%)Department of Global Public Health
Verksamhetsutvecklare för TEF-HEALTH med inriktning kommunikationsstrategi och innovationsledning Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Studies in tumor biology (scholarship, undergraduate and graduate level education)Tumor Biology. Arsenian Henriksson
Controller till Karolinska Institutet Juridik, planering, ekonomi
Postdoctoral Computational Scientist Virology and Immunology.Karlsson-Hedestam
Research assistant in pain researchDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience
Doktorandplats inom in vitro reproduktionstoxikologi Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Doktorand till enheten för ArbetsmedicinThe Institute of Environmental Medicine
Postdoctoral studies in Immunology and Cancer (scholarship)Virology and Immunology.Westerberg
Karolinska Institutet is looking for a Careers Service coordinatorForskningsstöd och externa relationer
Doctoral (PhD) student position in psychiatric epidemiologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Principal Researcher in <subject>The Institute of Environmental Medicine
Research Specialist in Epithelial Tumor InitiationDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology