Upp till två forskningsassistenter i metavetenskap (deltid) | Department of Clinical Neuroscience | |
Systemutvecklare till Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbiblioteket | University Library | |
PhD position in pediatric oncology with a focus on immunity and infection | Department of Women´s and Children’s Health | |
PhD student position on human B-cell genome instability and malignant transformation using genetically engineered organoid | Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics | |
Projektsamordnare vid avdelningen för klinisk epidemiologi | Clinical Epidemiology division | |
Doctoral (PhD) student position investigating the effects of artificial blue light on behavior, thoughts, and emotion in the subway system. | Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics | |
Title TA | Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset | |
Doctoral (PhD) student position in cancer immunotherapy | Department of Laboratory Medicine | |
Obduktionstekniker | Department of Neuroscience | |
Adjunkt inom parodontologi | Department of Dental Medicine | |
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Precision Psychiatry | Department of Clinical Neuroscience | |
Studievägledare till läkarprogrammet på Karolinska Institutet | Utbildningsstöd | |
Forskningsassistent till institutionen för Global folkhälsa (50%) | Department of Global Public Health | |
Verksamhetsutvecklare för TEF-HEALTH med inriktning kommunikationsstrategi och innovationsledning | Department of Clinical Neuroscience | |
Studies in tumor biology (scholarship, undergraduate and graduate level education) | Tumor Biology. Arsenian Henriksson | |
Controller till Karolinska Institutet | Juridik, planering, ekonomi | |
Postdoctoral Computational Scientist | Virology and Immunology.Karlsson-Hedestam | |
Research assistant in pain research | Department of Clinical Neuroscience | |
Doktorandplats inom in vitro reproduktionstoxikologi | Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology | |
Doktorand till enheten för Arbetsmedicin | The Institute of Environmental Medicine | |
Postdoctoral studies in Immunology and Cancer (scholarship) | Virology and Immunology.Westerberg | |
Karolinska Institutet is looking for a Careers Service coordinator | Forskningsstöd och externa relationer | |
Doctoral (PhD) student position in psychiatric epidemiology | Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics | |
Principal Researcher in <subject> | The Institute of Environmental Medicine | |
Research Specialist in Epithelial Tumor Initiation | Department of Cell and Molecular Biology | |