Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures
Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures is a series of lectures arranged by the Division of Insurance Medicine at Karolinska Institutet.

Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lectures is a new series of lectures arranged by the Division of Insurance Medicine at Karolinska Institutet. Each semester we will invite international experts within the field of insurance medicine. The aim is to present resent research findings and create a forum for discussion of topical areas within Insurance Medicine.
- We will announce the lectures in KIs calendar
- Afterwards you will have the opportunity to mingle and we will provide for some refreshments and snacks
- Please notify your attendance to each lecture to
- The lectures will be filmed and posted on the KI’s Youtube channel
Earlier lectures
Professors Kivimäki and Virtanen gave lectures on the topic of non-communicable diseases on 9 November 2021.
Professor Mika Kivimäki gave a lecture with the title: "Prevention for tackling the growing burden of non-communicable diseases".
Professor Kivimäki is one of the most influential researchers within Public Health to date and has numerous studies on sickness absence. He is professor at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, UK and at the Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland. He has authored more than 1000 articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He is also the Director of the British Whitehall II Study and the Principal Investigator of the IPD-Work consortium comprising 17 European cohort studies. Professor Kivimäki is an epidemiologist with special interests in risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and functional decline in old age.
Professor Marianna Virtanen gave a lecture with the title: "The impact of non-communicable diseases on sickness absence and disability pension".
Marianna Virtanen is professor at the University of Eastern Finland and affiliated to Karolinska Institutet. The main focus of her research is to study labour market participation among people with chronic diseases. The other line of her research is to focus on sickness absence and disability pension and associated psychosocial factors at work as well as to develop means to prevent sickness absence and disability pension by improving working conditions.
Professor Ute Bültmann, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, gave a lecture on the topic: "Young adults, mental health and work" on 3 October 2019.
You will find the program here
Below you will find the first Stockholm Insurance Medicine Lecture by Professor Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz, which took place 13 June 2019. The chair was Professor Kristina Alexanderson.