Examensarbete för Masterexamen i logopedi
Här nedan finns författare och titel på samtliga examensarbeten vid enheten för masterexamen i logopedi, 30 hp.
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Examensarbeten för Masterexamen i logopedi
Författare | Titel |
Ingrid Hedström | Grammatical Ability and Functional Hearing in Various Listening Conditions in 4–6-Year-Old Children with Prelingual Unilateral Hearing Loss. |
Anna Lundblad | Evaluation of visual feedback in subglottal pressure measurements - A methodological study |
Ellinor Strandberg | Babbling and Early Speech in Extremely Premature Infants |
Hanna Persson | Cognitive Training and Language Functions: A Case Study with R-fMRI during a Sustained Attention Psychomotor Vigilance Task |
Emma Lindroos | Free from Dysphagia? A Test Battery to Differentiate between Mild and No Dysphagia. |
Kajsa Söderhielm | Communicative participation in goal-setting meetings for patients with aphasia after stroke: patients’ and healthcare professionals’ self-ratings on communication efficiency. |
Lena Lindberger | Measuring communicative style in parents of infants with suspected neurodevelopmental delays: reliability test and adaptation of the RAACS instrument |
Miriam Hartstein | STORM (Stockholm Oral Motor Assessment) - A description of how children with and without orofacial disabilities perform on oral sensorimotor tasks - reliability and validity |
Anna Bergman | Narrative retells in Swedish adolescents with ADHD: Effects of Picture support on macro- and microlevel measures |
Camilla Nilsson | How are speech disorders perceived among peers? Aqualitative content analysis of focus group interviews with 10-11-year- old children |
Sara Burge | Biology, behaviour or bias? Factors Influencing referral of preschool-aged girls and boys with suspected Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) to Pediatric Speech and Language Services |
Ann-Kristin Näsström | Development of a Method for Assessment of Dysarthria in Foreign Language - a Pilot Study |
Marika Schütz | Neurorehabilitation Reshapes Brain Network in Chronic Aphasia with Apraxia Speech |
Lovisa Femrell | Quantitative and qualitative aspects of communication between children after treatment according to the Libcombe Program - a pilot study |
Karin Huss | Surgical treatment of vocal fold nodules results from a Swedish national quality registe |
Emmelie Persson | Repetitive Saliva Swallowing Test: norms, diagnostic validity and the impact of saliva secretion |
Petter Lindblad | Effects of intensive vocabulary intevention (nouns) for preschool children with global developmental delay |
Anna Nyman | Babbling and consonant production in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities |
Ineke Samson | Stuttering form a gender perspective - a follow-up study of girls and boys diagnoses with stuttering: 5-9 years after referall |
Liv Thalén | Exploring the benefit of supported communication for patients with cognitive impariment when participating in discharge meeting |
Helena Björelius | The Swedish Version of VMPAC (Verbal Motor Assessment for Children): Reliability and Evaluation on a Clinical Group |
Liisi Raud Westberg | Speech in 3-years-old children with unilateral cleft lip and palate: Impact of method for palatal repair and early intervention |
Ann Malmenholt | Childhood Apraxia of Speech: a survey of knowledge and experience in Swedish speech language pathologists |
Marion Lieberman | Validation of an observation form for babbling and articulation in children with and without cleft palate at 12 and 18 months |
Anna Alex | Assessing eating and swallowing in adults born with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Reliability and validity of a Swedish translation of the Dysphagia Assessment Package |
Julia Wallman | DLD in school - the experiences of different stakeholders |
Victoria Kelly | Transwomenґs goal attainments and self-evaluations after gender affirming voice training related to audio perceptual ratings by naпve listeners |
Cecilia Gembдck | Online indirect group treatment for preschool children who stutter: Effects on stuttering severity and the impact of stuttering on child and parents |
Ann-Sofie Eriksson | Dysphagia in ALS – The role of the ALS team to facilitate the patientґs participation in dysphagia interventions? |
Anna Fabiansson | An Interview Study of Children and Young Peoples’ Experiences of the Dyslexia Assessment Process: Aspects of Participation |
Helena Oliv | Oral and written expository discourse skills in Swedish adolescents with dyslexia |