Examensarbete för Masterexamen i logopedi

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Examensarbeten för Masterexamen i logopedi

Examensarbeten för Masterexamen i logopedi
Ingrid HedströmGrammatical Ability and Functional Hearing in Various Listening Conditions in 4–6-Year-Old Children with Prelingual Unilateral Hearing Loss.
Anna LundbladEvaluation of visual feedback in subglottal pressure measurements - A methodological study
Ellinor StrandbergBabbling and Early Speech in Extremely Premature Infants
Hanna PerssonCognitive Training and Language Functions: A Case Study with R-fMRI during a Sustained Attention Psychomotor Vigilance Task
Emma LindroosFree from Dysphagia? A Test Battery to Differentiate between Mild and No Dysphagia.
Kajsa SöderhielmCommunicative participation in goal-setting meetings for patients with aphasia after stroke: patients’ and healthcare professionals’ self-ratings on communication efficiency.
Lena LindbergerMeasuring communicative style in parents of infants with suspected neurodevelopmental delays: reliability test and adaptation of the RAACS instrument
Miriam HartsteinSTORM (Stockholm Oral Motor Assessment) - A description of how children with and without orofacial disabilities perform on oral sensorimotor tasks - reliability and validity
Anna BergmanNarrative retells in Swedish adolescents with ADHD: Effects of Picture support on macro- and microlevel measures
Camilla NilssonHow are speech disorders perceived among peers? Aqualitative content analysis of focus group interviews with 10-11-year- old children
Sara BurgeBiology, behaviour or bias? Factors Influencing referral of preschool-aged girls and boys with suspected Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) to Pediatric Speech and Language Services
Ann-Kristin NäsströmDevelopment of a Method for Assessment of Dysarthria in Foreign Language - a Pilot Study
Marika SchützNeurorehabilitation Reshapes Brain Network in Chronic Aphasia with Apraxia Speech
Lovisa FemrellQuantitative and qualitative aspects of communication between children after treatment according to the Libcombe Program - a pilot study
Karin HussSurgical treatment of vocal fold nodules results from a Swedish national quality registe
Emmelie PerssonRepetitive Saliva Swallowing Test: norms, diagnostic validity and the impact of saliva secretion
Petter LindbladEffects of intensive vocabulary intevention (nouns) for preschool children with global developmental delay
Anna NymanBabbling and consonant production in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Ineke SamsonStuttering form a gender perspective - a follow-up study of girls and boys diagnoses with stuttering: 5-9 years after referall
Liv ThalénExploring the benefit of supported communication for patients with cognitive impariment when participating in discharge meeting
Helena BjöreliusThe Swedish Version of VMPAC (Verbal Motor Assessment for Children): Reliability and Evaluation on a Clinical Group
Liisi Raud WestbergSpeech in 3-years-old children with unilateral cleft lip and palate: Impact of method for palatal repair and early intervention
Ann MalmenholtChildhood Apraxia of Speech: a survey of knowledge and experience in Swedish speech language pathologists
Marion LiebermanValidation of an observation form for babbling and articulation in children with and without cleft palate at 12 and 18 months
Anna AlexAssessing eating and swallowing in adults born with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Reliability and validity of a Swedish translation of the Dysphagia Assessment Package
Julia WallmanDLD in school - the experiences of different stakeholders
Victoria KellyTranswomenґs goal attainments and self-evaluations after gender affirming voice training related to audio perceptual ratings by naпve listeners
Cecilia GembдckOnline indirect group treatment for preschool children who stutter: Effects on stuttering severity and the impact of stuttering on child and parents
Ann-Sofie ErikssonDysphagia in ALS – The role of the ALS team to facilitate the patientґs participation in dysphagia interventions?
Anna FabianssonAn Interview Study of Children and Young Peoples’ Experiences of the Dyslexia Assessment Process: Aspects of Participation
Helena OlivOral and written expository discourse skills in Swedish adolescents with dyslexia
Åsa Catapano