Pontus Ericsson Anstedt

Pontus Ericsson Anstedt

Telefon: +46852486239
Besöksadress: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum, 17165 Solna
Postadress: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FMB Logistik- och teknikservice, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I started my career at Karolinska Institutet in 2008 at CMB-facility. After
    that I was responsible for the quarantine-/ and open access unit at
    Wallenberg Laboratory, before moving to the Technician Unit at KMB. After
    that tour I moved in to FM-unit at Biomedicum.
    Today I'm in FM-unit working as an Operating Technician.
    When I'm not at work I'm engaged in Wildlife Management, farming-/,
    outdoors-/, hunting-/ and fishing acitvities.

Nyheter från KI

Kalenderhändelser från KI