Jonas Wuopio

Jonas Wuopio

Besöksadress: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postadress: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Allmänmedicin och primärvård, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I am a specialist in Internal medicine working at the department of Internal
    Medicine, Mora county hospital, Sweden. I am doing my doctoral thesis at 50%
    part time at the Departement of Neurobiology, care sciences and society,
    Karolinska Institute.
    Wuopio J. et al: "The association between sodium intake and coronary and
    carotid atherosclerosis in the general Swedish population Eur Heart J Open.
    2023 Mar 30;3(2):oead024
    /*Selected "Editorial's choice" with an editorial:*/
    /Banach M. et al: "/Dietary salt intake and atherosclerosis: an area not
    fully explored" /European Heart Journal Open/, Volume 3, Issue 2, March
    2023, oead025,
    /*And press release from European Society of Cardiology:*/
    Wuopio J et al: "Estimated salt intake and risk of atrial fibrillation in a
    prospective community-based cohort"; J Intern Med. 2021 May;289(5):700-708
    Nilsson E, Kastrup J, Sajadieh A, Jensen GB, Kjöller E, Kolmos HJ, Wuopio J
    et al: "Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A as a Cardiovascular Risk
    Marker in Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease During 10 Years
    Follow-Up-A CLARICOR Trial Sub-Study"; J Clin Med. 2020 Jan 18;9(1):265
    Wuopio J et al: "Cathepsin B and S as markers for cardiovascular risk and
    all-cause mortality in patients with stable coronary heart disease during 10
    years: a CLARICOR trial sub-study"; Atherosclerosis. 2018 Nov;278:97-102.
    Wuopio J et al: "The association between circulating endostatin and a
    disturbed circadian blood pressure pattern in patients with type 2 diabetes";
    Blood Press. 2018 Aug;27(4):215-221
    Wuopio J et al: "Severe ketoacidosis in breastfeeding woman with low energy
    and carbohydrate intake"; Lakartidningen 2015, sept 14; 112


  • My primary research focus is future cardiovascular risk. In previous articles
    I have explored different proteins in blood as markers for future
    cardiovascular disease. My current aim in my doctoral thesis project is to
    investigate dietary salt intakes impact on vascular atherosclerosis,
    metabolite profile in blood and possible changes in our gut microbiome.


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