Christina Kaijser Alin

Christina Kaijser Alin

Anknuten till Forskning
Besöksadress: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postadress: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Allmänmedicin och primärvård, 171 77 Stockholm


  • Project title:
    Identification and treatment of back pain in elderly women with osteoporosis
    Responsible for the project:
    Helena Salminen, MD, The Department of Neurobiology, Care Science and
    Society, Karolinska Institutet.
    Other researchers in the project:
    Christina Kaijser Alin, physiotherapist, PhD student, Elin Uzunel, MD, PhD
    student, Ann-Charlotte Grahn Kronhed, physiotherapist, PhD.
    Christina Kaijser Alin,
    Date started: May 25, 2011.
    Is the project finished? No.
    Vertebral fractures is the most common osteoporosis related fracture.
    Vertebral fractures can lead to chronic back pain, increased kyphosis, lenght
    reduction and impaired lung function which all negatively affects the elderly
    womens quality of life.
    Elderly women with back pain and osteoporosis are a very common group of
    patients in primary health care. Development of new methods of treatment is a
    research area that may be widely shared as well as improve the quality of
    life for many patients.
    Investigate back pain in elderly women with osteoporosis with or without
    vertebral fractures and the consequences for health related quality of life
    and balance. Evaluate treatment of a spinal orthosis compared with a
    physiotherapy equipment training group and a control group.
    Study I: Cross sectional study
  • X-ray of lumbar and thoracal spine,
    questionnaires, balance tests and clinical examinations.
    Study II: Randomized controlled trial. Randomizes into three groups. 1.
    Training in spinal orthosis. 2. Training in a physiotherapy equipment
    training group. 3. Control.
    Study III: Follow up after 12 months that’s studies complience to train in
    the spinal orthosis. and to a home exercise training program for the
    Study IV: Qualitative study. Interview in focusgroup. Analyzed using content
    Study I: 31.1% had one or several vertebral fractures. Women suffered from
    hyperkyphosis was significantly better on tandem standing with eyes open


Alla övriga publikationer


  • Anknuten till Forskning, Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institutet, 2025-2026

Examina och utbildning

  • Medicine Doktorsexamen, Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Karolinska Institutet, 2020
  • Medicine Magisterexamen, Karolinska Institutet, 2010
  • Medicine Kandidatexamen, Karolinska Institutet, 1999

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