Rehabiliteringsprocesser efter stroke - behov, åtgärder och utfall

Det finns bristande kunskap om den långsiktiga påverkan i det dagliga livet för personer som insjuknat i stroke och deras närstående samt behov av rehabiliteringsinsatser och stöd i olika faser av rehabiliteringsprocessen efter stroke. Det saknas även kunskap om hur den mer långsiktiga vården och rehabiliteringen efter stroke bör organiseras.

Vi har i olika studier bedrivit projekt med syfte att öka kunskapen om behov av rehabilitering och stöd hos personer med stroke och deras närstående och om och hur dessa behov varierar över tid.


För att belysa olika aspekter av rehabiliteringsprocesser efter stroke använder vi olika metoder: kvantitativa, kvalitativa och mixed methods. Datainsamling sker på olika sätt, dels genom strukturerade intervjuer och dels med etablerade tester av funktionstillstånd, livstillfredsställelse, upplevda behov av och tillfredsställelse med hälso- och sjukvård, kontextuella (personliga och miljömässiga) och sjukdomsspecifika faktorer. Från närstående samlas uppgifter om närståendebörda. I kvalitativa intervjuer med patienter och närstående undersöks upplevelser av rehabiliteringsprocessen och behov av rehabilitering och stöd. Registerstudier av hälso- och sjukvårdsanvändning efter stroke genomförs. Flera studier genomförs i samarbete med forskargruppenHELD, Syddansk Universitet i Odense och forskargruppen inom socialt arbete.


Eftersom stroke ofta leder till livslång påverkan av livet hos individen och dennes familj är det angeläget att utveckla evidensbaserade sub-akuta insatser, företrädesvis genom att utöka utbudet av friskvårdsinriktade hälsobefrämjande aktiviteter och att identifiera faktorer som kan bidra till att rehabiliteringsbehoven hos personer med stroke och deras anhöriga bättre tillgodoses. En ökad kunskap om vilka behov som personer med stroke och deras anhöriga upplever kan utgöra en bas för modellutveckling av akuta och subakuta rehabiliteringsinsatser.


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Charlotte Ytterberg



Avhandlingar som helt eller delvis besvarar forskningsfrågor inom ramen för ovanstående syfte.

Malin Tistad: Needs for, use of and satisfaction with health care services in the course of the first year after stroke: the perspective of people with stroke

Susanne Palmcrantz: Long-term effects of stroke seen in young individuals living in the community


Forskningen har finansierats med medel från Centrum för Vårdvetenskap, FoU-medel från Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Nationella forskarskolan i vård och omsorg, Vetenskapsrådet, Hjärnfonden, Strokeförbundet, Promobilia, KI fonder och med ALF-medel från Region Stockholm.

Vetenskapliga publikationer


Housing Accessibility at Home and Rehabilitation Outcomes After a Stroke: An Explorative Study.
Elf M, Slaug B, Ytterberg C, Heylighen A, Kylén M
HERD 2023 Jun;():19375867231178313

Health literacy is associated with less depression symptoms, higher perceived recovery, higher perceived participation, and walking ability one year after stroke - a cross-sectional study.
Flink M, Lindblom S, von Koch L, Carlsson AC, Ytterberg C
Top Stroke Rehabil 2023 Feb;():1-7

The Use of Teach Back at Hospital Discharge to Support Self-Management of Prescribed Medication for Secondary Prevention after Stroke-Findings from A Feasibility Study.
Lindblom S, Ytterberg C, Flink M, Carlsson AC, Stenberg U, Tistad M, von Koch L, Laska AC
Healthcare (Basel) 2023 Jan;11(3):


Depression symptoms 6 years after stroke are associated with higher perceived impact of stroke, limitations in ADL and restricted participation.
Ytterberg C, Cegrell L, von Koch L, Wiklander M
Sci Rep 2022 May;12(1):7816

Referral-based transition to subsequent rehabilitation at home after stroke: one-year outcomes and use of healthcare services.
Lindblom S, Tistad M, Flink M, Laska AC, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
BMC Health Serv Res 2022 May;22(1):594

Use of Mobile/Tablet and Web-Based Applications to Support Rehabilitation After Stroke: A Scoping Review.
Marwaa MN, Guidetti S, Ytterberg C, Kristensen HK
J Rehabil Med 2022 Apr;54():jrm00269

Person-centred care transitions for people with stroke: study protocol for a feasibility evaluation of codesigned care transition support.
Flink M, Lindblom S, Tistad M, Laska AC, Bertilsson BC, Wärlinge C, Hasselström J, Elf M, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
BMJ Open 2021 12;11(12):e047329

The use of mobile and web-based applications to support rehabilitation after stroke: a scoping review.
Marwaa MN, Guidetti S, Ytterberg C, Kristensen HK
J Rehabil Med 2022 Feb;():


How is the environment integrated into post-stroke rehabilitation? A qualitative study among community-dwelling persons with stroke who receive home rehabilitation in Sweden.
Kylén M, Ytterberg C, von Koch L, Elf M
Health Soc Care Community 2021 Sep;():

Person-centred care transitions for people with stroke: study protocol for a feasibility evaluation of codesigned care transition support.
Flink M, Lindblom S, Tistad M, Laska AC, Bertilsson BC, Wärlinge C, Hasselström J, Elf M, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
BMJ Open 2021 12;11(12):e047329

The manifestation of participation within a co-design process involving patients, significant others and health-care professionals.
Lindblom S, Flink M, Elf M, Laska AC, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
Health Expect 2021 Mar;():


Perceived Quality of Care Transitions between Hospital and the Home in People with Stroke.
Lindblom S, Flink M, Sjöstrand C, Laska AC, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
J Am Med Dir Assoc 2020 Dec;21(12):1885-1892

Perceptive Dialogue for Linking Stakeholders and Units During Care Transitions - A Qualitative Study of People with Stroke, Significant Others and Healthcare Professionals in Sweden.
Lindblom S, Ytterberg C, Elf M, Flink M
Int J Integr Care 2020 Mar;20(1):11

Healthcare Utilization After Stroke: A 1-Year Prospective Study.
Minet LR, Peterson E, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
J Am Med Dir Assoc 2020 Jul;():

Factors related to met needs for rehabilitation 6 years after stroke.
Ytterberg C, Kristensen HK, Tistad M, von Koch L
PLoS ONE 2020 ;15(1):e0227867


Closeness and life satisfaction after six years for persons with stroke and spouses.
Fugl-Meyer KS, Nilsson MI, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
J Rehabil Med 2019 Jul;51(7):492-498

Abandoned to the strains of daily life: a qualitative study of the long-term experiences in partners to persons after a mild to moderate stroke.
Ytterberg C, von Koch L, Erikson A
Disabil Rehabil 2019 03;41(6):649-655


Discourses in stroke rehabilitation as they present themselves in current physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Kristensen HK, Præstegaard J, Ytterberg C
Disabil Rehabil 2017 02;39(3):223-235

Association between satisfaction and participation in everyday occupations after stroke.
Bergström A, Guidetti S, Tham K, Eriksson G
Scand J Occup Ther 2017 Sep;24(5):339-348

Experiences of Sexuality Six Years After Stroke: A Qualitative Study.
Nilsson MI, Fugl-Meyer K, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
J Sex Med 2017 06;14(6):797-803

Perceived impact of stroke six years after onset, and changes in impact between one and six years.
Ytterberg C, Dybäck M, Bergström A, Guidetti S, Eriksson G
J Rehabil Med 2017 Aug;49(8):637-643


Research-based evidence in stroke rehabilitation: an investigation of its implementation by physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
Kristensen HK, Ytterberg C, Jones DL, Lund H
Disabil Rehabil 2016 12;38(26):2564-74

Self-Reported Fatigue and Associated Factors Six Years after Stroke.
Elf M, Eriksson G, Johansson S, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
PLoS ONE 2016 ;11(8):e0161942

The Importance of Patient Involvement in Stroke Rehabilitation.
Kristensen HK, Tistad M, Koch Lv, Ytterberg C
PLoS ONE 2016 ;11(6):e0157149


Participation in everyday life and life satisfaction in persons with stroke and their caregivers 3-6 months after onset.
Bergström AL, von Koch L, Andersson M, Tham K, Eriksson G
J Rehabil Med 2015 Jun;47(6):508-15

Participation in Complex and Social Everyday Activities Six Years after Stroke: Predictors for Return to Pre-Stroke Level.
Singam A, Ytterberg C, Tham K, von Koch L
PLoS One 2015 ;10(12):e0144344

Achieving a holistic perspective in stroke rehabilitation: An overview of the use of the ICF by Danish physiotherapists and occupational therapists. I
Kristensen HK, Lund H, Jones DL, Ytterberg C.
INT J THER REHABIL), Oct2015; 22(10): 460-469.

Occurrence and Predictors of Falls in People With Stroke: Six-Year Prospective Study.
Minet LR, Peterson E, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
Stroke 2015 Sep;46(9):2688-90

The combined perceptions of people with stroke and their carers regarding rehabilitation needs 1 year after stroke: a mixed methods study.
Ekstam L, Johansson U, Guidetti S, Eriksson G, Ytterberg C
BMJ Open 2015 Feb;5(2):e006784


Changes in the impact of stroke between 3 and 12 months post-stroke, assessed with the Stroke Impact Scale.
Guidetti S, Ytterberg C, Ekstam L, Johansson U, Eriksson G
J Rehabil Med 2014 Nov;46(10):963-8


What aspects of rehabilitation provision contribute to self-reported met needs for rehabilitation one year after stroke--amount, place, operator or timing?
Tistad M, von Koch L, Sjöstrand C, Tham K, Ytterberg C
Health Expect 2013 Sep;16(3):e24-35


Differences between younger and older individuals in their use of care and rehabilitation but not in self-perceived global recovery 1year after stroke.
Palmcrantz S, Susanne P, Holmqvist LW, Lotta WH, Sommerfeld DK, K SD, Tistad M, Malin T, Ytterberg C, Charlotte Y, von Koch L, Lena vK
J Neurol Sci 2012 Oct;321(1-2):29-34

Unfulfilled rehabilitation needs and dissatisfaction with care 12 months after a stroke: an explorative observational study.
Tistad M, Tham K, von Koch L, Ytterberg C
BMC Neurol 2012 Jun;12():40

Poor concurrence between disabilities as described by patients and established assessment tools three months after stroke: a mixed methods approach.
Tistad M, Ytterberg C, Tham K, von Koch L
J Neurol Sci 2012 Feb;313(1-2):160-6

Shorter length of stay in the stroke unit: comparison between the 1990s and 2000s.
Tistad M, Ytterberg C, Sjöstrand C, Holmqvist LW, von Koch L
Top Stroke Rehabil ;19(2):172-81


Kathrin Dellblad