Important information and dates for staff at MTC before the holidays

We are approaching the annual closing of the books regarding 2023 and would like to take the opportunity to remind you of some important facts.


Between December 25th to December 26th as well as January 1th the MTC Finance department will not be staffed. The central finance department at KI will be staffed which for example means that the supplier invoices will be sent out in UBW/Agresso on a regular basis.      

HR will not be manned between December 27 - 29 so please plan accordingly.

Supplier Invoices

The last financial day of the year is January 5th. All invoices that come to KI up to and including January 5th at 9 AM are included in the accounts for 2023, thereafter all invoices are included in the accounts for 2024.                          

All supplier invoices should be approved/authorized by latest January 5th at 11 AM. During the period December 12th  – January 5th it is extremely important to continuously administer the invoices you receive in your email inbox. Do not leave any invoices unhandled. The finance department will not be able to take care of your invoices on your behalf. You must handle them yourself on a daily basis! The instructions from KI central are that the number of purchases should be reduced from December 8th and no investments should be done after December 8th. The equipment must be delivered and installed December 8th.


Wellness allowance must be registered in the PA-web no later than November 30th.

All other expenses should be registered in the PA-web no later than December 7th.


All Invoice approvers and authorizers must delegate their duties in the UBW/Agresso Webb if unable to do it themselves during the holiday period. No supplier invoices should be left unprocessed during this time.

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions!

Kind regards and Happy Holidays,

Marta, Kerstin, Kristina, Marcus and Malin

Sara Lidman