The Department of Dental Medicine protects the environment

The Department strives to conduct education, research and dentistry in harmony with the development towards a sustainable society. That's why we are environmentally certified.

Institutionen för odontologi och universitetstandvården är miljöcertifierade enligt ISO 14001:2015. Foto: N/A

We are environmentally certified according to the international environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015. The certification covers both the Department of Dental Medicine and the University Dental Clinic. It means that we have a structured way of working towards continuous improvement and reduction of our negative environmental impact.

Certifikate for the Department o Dental Medicine

Our environmental policy

The Department of Dental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet conducts education, research and delivers oral healthcare that take place in harmony with the development towards a sustainable society. To achieve this, we shall:

  • educate and engage students and staff in environmental issues and inform about the Department´s, the University Dental Clinic´s and Karolinska Institutet's environmental work
  • conduct environmental work that prevents and reduces the overall negative environmental impact, with a focus on the environmental impact of the business
  • address environmental considerations in the business where relevant
  • set environmental requirements in procurement and purchasing
  • consider laws, regulations and other requirements in environmental work
  • have an environmental work that is characterized by continuous improvement
Kicki Carlsson