Publikationer från projektet

TINA-projektet undersöker hur tidiga insatser och en mer inkluderande vård kan hjälpa nyanlända att få den vård de behöver. Projektet pågår under sex år och är finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet. Här samlar vi de publikationer projektet hittills har utmynnat i.

Anslagstavla med publikationer
Publikationer Foto: Cecilia Bodén

Publikationer (i omvänd kronologisk ordning):

Are all children treated equally? Psychiatric care and treatment receipt among migrant, descendant, and majority Swedish children: a register-based study.
Gubi E, Sjöqvist H, Dalman C, Bäärnhielm S, Hollander AC
Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2022 Apr 19;31:e20.

Perceived barriers to care for migrant children and young people with mental health problems and/or neurodevelopmental differences in high-income countries: a meta-ethnography.
Place V, Nabb B, Gubi E, Assel K, Åhlén J, Hagström A, Bäärnhielm S, Dalman C, Hollander AC
BMJ Open 2021 Sep;11(9):e045923

Mental health service use among migrant and Swedish-born children and youth: a register-based cohort study of 472,129 individuals in Stockholm.
Gubi E, Sjöqvist H, Viksten-Assel K, Bäärnhielm S, Dalman C, Hollander AC
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2021 Jul;():

Effect and process evaluation of a multicomponent public health intervention to increase the use of primary care-based mental health services amongst children with a migrant background in Stockholm, Sweden: a protocol for a mixed-methods study.
Place V, Assel K, Hagström A, Gubi E, Augustsson H, Dalman C, Hollander AC
BMJ Open 2021 07;11(7):e052820

Interventions to increase migrants' care-seeking behaviour for stigmatised conditions: a scoping review.
Place V, Nabb B, Viksten Assel K, Bäärnhielm S, Dalman C, Hollander AC
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2021 Jun;56(6):913-930


Vanessa Place