The Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (KI-SMMS) - about us

The Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (KI-SMMS) is a KI core facility located in Biomedicum that performs metabolomics, lipidomics and other types of mass spectrometry-based analysis of small molecules.

KI Core Facilities are funded by the Infrastructure Committee and by user fees. Our Core Facility belongs to the Institute of Environmental Medicine.

The KI-SMMS team has a broad expertise in performing all flavours of small molecule analyses, including metabolomics, lipidomics, targeted flux analyses and other mass spectrometry-based analysis of small molecules.


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Antonio Checa Gómez

Senior Research Infrastructure Specialist
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Craig Wheelock

Principal Researcher

Contact and visit us

The Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (KI-SMMS) is located on floor 7 in Biomedicum, KI Campus Solna.


Visiting address: Biomedicum, A7, floor 7, Solnavägen 9, 171 65 Solna

Delivery address: Name of Recipient, Karolinska Institutet, Tomtebodavägen 16, 171 65 Solna.