Spotlight on Alcohol Dependence
The majority of alcohol-dependent people in Sweden have a functioning social life with a family, a home and a job. In total, there are more than one million Swedes who consume alcohol to such an extent that it can be considered harmful and to entail a risk of dependence. But the health services are starting to help them too.
News and in-depth articles

One drink too many
More than one million Swedes consume alcohol to such an extent that it can be considered harmful and to entail a risk of dependence.

The benefit of alcohol is being questioned
Sven Andréasson: "How could alcohol, which is toxic to most biological tissues, be healthy?”

Teenage drinking may predict future liver disease
Adolescent drinking predicts the risk of liver disease 40 years later, shows a study that casts doubt on current views on what constitutes “safe” drinking.

Few with alcohol use disorders receives medication
In Sweden there is a large underutilization of alcohol medication for alcohol use disorder as well as unequal provision of treatment between different groups in society, according to a study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Web-based CBT effective for alcohol use disorder
While alcohol dependency is becoming increasingly common, it is difficult to obtain help. However, new research presented in a doctoral thesis by Magnus Johansson at Karolinska Institutet shows that web-based CBT is no less effective than face-to-face CBT.
Voices on alcohol dependence

“I gave myself the gift of better habits”
Thomas Sjövall has actively chosen to start drinking less in order not to cross the line into risky drinking.

“In a way, I have lost my dad”
Sanna Kajaskero has an alcohol-dependent dad and is herself a teetotaller.

“I had to choose between life and death”
Håkan Liljekvist is sober now, but was previously alcohol-dependent.