Measurement of brain activity
Measurement of brain activity using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). fNIRS is a non-invasive brain imaging technique that utilizes the optical properties of blood flow to measure changes in the concentration of oxy-/deoxyhemoglobin in the brain.

Wireless fNIRS device
The wireless fNIRS device comprise 8 source and detectors pairs (separation approx. 3 cm) and can measure hemodynamic response up to 2-3 cm deep. fNIRS has a vast range of brain imaging applications in motor control research and psychology such as; investigations of brain activity during functional movements (e.g. gait and postural tasks) and cognitive tasks, social interactions by using hyperscanning (i.e. interaction between two individuals) and studies on motor development across the life span.
The advantages of fNIRS is that it can measure brain function natural postures and movements (e.g. sitting, standing and walking) and in ordinary environments.