Montage of journal covers: NEJM, Cell Stem Cell, BMJ, Nature and Science.

Top publications from Karolinska Institutet

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet publish about 7,500 articles in scientific journals each year. Listed here are current articles to which our researchers have contributed and that have been published in selected top-ranked journals and registered in the Medline and Web of Science databases. New articles are automatically fed onto this page approximately every other week. It is not possible to update the list manually.

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Latest top publications

Edlund C, Ternhag A, Stahlgren GS, Edquist P, Balkhed AO, Athlin S, Mansson E, Tempe M, Bergstrom J, Giske CG, Hanberger HTemociffin Study GrpShow more
The Lancet. Infectious diseases
2022 03
KI-anknytning: Medel
Barbaud A, Garvey LH, Arcolaci A, Brockow K, Mori F, Mayorga C, Bonadonna P, Atanaskovic-Markovic M, Moral L, Zanoni G, Pagani M, Soria A, Jost M, Caubet JC, Carmo A, Mona AA, Alvarez-Perea A, Bavbek S, Benedetta B, Bilo MB, Blanca-Lopez N, Bogas HG, Buonomo A, Calogiuri G, Carli G, Cernadas J, Cortellini G, Celik G, Demir S, Dona I, Dursun AB, Eberlein B, Faria E, Fernandes B, Garcez T, Garcia-Nunez I, Gawlik R, Gelincik A, Gomes E, Gooi JHC, Grosber M, Gulen T, Hacard F, Hoarau C, Janson C, Johnston SL, Joerg L, Ozdemir SK, Klimek L, Kosnik M, Kowalski ML, Kuyucu S, Kvedariene V, Laguna JJ, Lombardo C, Marinho S, Merk H, Meucci E, Morisset M, Munoz-Cano R, Murzilli F, Nakonechna A, Popescu FD, Porebski G, Radice A, Regateiro FS, Rockmann H, Romano A, Sargur R, Sastre J, Hofmeier KS, Sedlackova L, Sobotkova M, Terreehorst I, Treudler R, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wedi B, Wohrl S, Zidarn M, Zuberbier T, Agache I, Torres MJShow more
2022 08
KI-anknytning: Låg
Kavand H, Nasiri R, Herland AShow more
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)
2022 Apr
KI-anknytning: Hög
Uhlin F, Szpirt W, Kronbichler A, Bruchfeld A, Soveri I, Rostaing L, Daugas E, Lionet A, Kamar N, Rafat C, Myslivecek M, Tesar V, Fernstrom A, Kjellman C, Elfving C, McAdoo S, Molne J, Bajema I, Sonesson E, Segelmark MShow more
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN
2022 04
KI-anknytning: Låg
Kamarajah SK, Phillips AW, Hanna GB, Low DE, Markar SRShow more
Annals of surgery
2022 04 01
KI-anknytning: Hög
Cosentino F, Bhatt DL, Marx N, Verma SShow more
European heart journal
2022 01 31
KI-anknytning: Hög
Lecca D, Jung YJ, Scerba MT, Hwang I, Kim YK, Kim S, Modrow S, Tweedie D, Hsueh SC, Liu D, Luo WM, Glotfelty E, Li YZ, Wang JY, Luo Y, Hoffer BJ, Kim DS, McDevitt RA, Greig NHShow more
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2022 11
KI-anknytning: Låg
Tiotiu A, Badi Y, Kermani NZ, Sanak M, Kolmert J, Wheelock CE, Hansbro PM, Dahlen SE, Sterk PJ, Djukanovic R, Guo YK, Mumby S, Adcock IM, Chung KFU-BIOPRED Consortium Project TeamShow more
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
2022 02 15
KI-anknytning: Medel
Guy JE, Cai YH, Baer MD, Whittle E, Chai J, Yu XH, Lindqvist Y, Raugei S, Shanklin JShow more
Plant physiology
2022 03 04
KI-anknytning: Hög
Gonzalez-Rodriguez P, Cheray M, Keane L, Engskog-Vlachos P, Joseph BShow more
2022 12
KI-anknytning: Hög
Pour SR, de Coana YP, Demorentin XM, Melief J, Thimma M, Wolodarski M, Gomez-Cabrero D, Hansson J, Kiessling R, Tegner JShow more
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer
2021 05
KI-anknytning: Hög
He W, Sparen P, Fang F, Sengpiel V, Strander B, Czene KShow more
Annals of internal medicine
2022 Feb
KI-anknytning: Hög
Plym A, Penney KL, Kalia S, Kraft P, Conti DV, Haiman C, Mucci LA, Kibel ASShow more
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
2022 05 09
KI-anknytning: Hög
Kaplon-Cieslicka A, Benson L, Chioncel O, Crespo-Leiro MG, Coats AJS, Anker SD, Filippatos G, Ruschitzka F, Hage C, Drozdz J, Seferovic P, Rosano GMC, Piepoli M, Mebazaa A, McDonagh T, Lainscak M, Savarese G, Ferrari R, Maggioni AP, Lund LHESC Heart Failure Long-Term Regist, European Soc Cardiology ESC, Heart Failure Assoc HFAShow more
2022 FEB
KI-anknytning: Hög
Bergstrand S, O'Brien EM, Coucoravas C, Hrossova D, Peirasmaki D, Schmidli S, Dhanjal S, Pederiva C, Siggens L, Mortusewicz O, O'Rourke JJ, Farnebo MShow more
Nature communications
2022 02 23
KI-anknytning: Hög
Murphy N, Song MY, Papadimitriou N, Carreras-Torres R, Langenberg C, Martin RM, Tsilidis KK, Barroso I, Chen J, Frayling T, Bull CJ, Vincent EE, Cotterchio M, Gruber SB, Pai RK, Newcomb PA, Perez-Cornago A, van Duijnhoven FJB, Van Guelpen B, Vodicka P, Wolk A, Wu AH, Peters U, Chan AT, Gunter MJShow more
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
2022 05 09
KI-anknytning: Låg
Caporale N, Leemans M, Birgersson L, Germain PL, Cheroni C, Borbely G, Engdahl E, Lindh C, Bressan RB, Cavallo F, Chorev NE, D'Agostino GA, Pollard SM, Rigoli MT, Tenderini E, Tobon AL, Trattaro S, Troglio F, Zanella M, Bergman A, Damdimopoulou P, Jonsson M, Kiess W, Kitraki E, Kiviranta H, Nanberg E, Oberg M, Rantakokko P, Ruden C, Soder O, Bornehag CG, Demeneix B, Fini JB, Gennings C, Ruegg J, Sturve J, Testa GShow more
Science (New York, N.Y.)
2022 02 18
KI-anknytning: Låg
Cacciaglia R, Salvado G, Molinuevo JL, Shekari M, Falcon C, Operto G, Suarez-Calvet M, Mila-Aloma M, Sala A, Rodriguez-Vieitez E, Kollmorgen G, Suridjan I, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Gispert JDAlzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging Initi, ALFA StudyShow more
Molecular psychiatry
2022 04
KI-anknytning: Medel
Lyu J, Shao R, Yung PYK, Elsasser SJShow more
Nucleic acids research
2022 02 22
KI-anknytning: Hög
Deng YX, Bartosovic M, Kukanja P, Zhang D, Liu Y, Su G, Enninful A, Bai ZL, Castelo-Branco G, Fan RShow more
Science (New York, N.Y.)
2022 02 11
KI-anknytning: Medel