Montage of journal covers: NEJM, Cell Stem Cell, BMJ, Nature and Science.

Top publications from Karolinska Institutet

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet publish about 7,500 articles in scientific journals each year. Listed here are current articles to which our researchers have contributed and that have been published in selected top-ranked journals and registered in the Medline and Web of Science databases. New articles are automatically fed onto this page approximately every other week. It is not possible to update the list manually.

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Latest top publications

Partridge EA, Davey MG, Hornick MA, McGovern PE, Mejaddam AY, Vrecenak JD, Mesas-Burgos C, Olive A, Caskey RC, Weiland TR, Han JC, Schupper AJ, Connelly JT, Dysart KC, Rychik J, Hedrick HL, Peranteau WH, Flake AWShow more
Nature communications
2017 04 25
KI-anknytning: Låg
Fadouloglou VE, Balomenou S, Aivaliotis M, Kotsifaki D, Arnaouteli S, Tomatsidou A, Efstathiou G, Kountourakis N, Miliara S, Griniezaki M, Tsalafouta A, Pergantis SA, Boneca IG, Glykos NM, Bouriotis V, Kokkinidis MShow more
Journal of the American Chemical Society
2017 04 19
KI-anknytning: Låg
Sundstrom J, Bruze G, Ottosson J, Marcus C, Naslund I, Neovius MShow more
2017 Apr 25
KI-anknytning: Hög
Bjorkenstam C, Kosidou K, Bjorkenstam EShow more
BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
2017 Apr 19
KI-anknytning: Hög
Zamaraev AV, Kopeina GS, Prokhorova EA, Zhivotovsky B, Lavrik INShow more
Trends in cell biology
2017 05
KI-anknytning: Hög
Standl E, Schnell O, McGuire DK, Ceriello A, Ryden LShow more
The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology
2017 05
KI-anknytning: Hög
Soltys KA, Setoyama K, Tafaleng EN, Gutierrez AS, Fong J, Fukumitsu K, Nishikawa T, Nagaya M, Sada R, Haberman K, Gramignoli R, Dorko K, Tahan V, Dreyzin A, Baskin K, Crowley JJ, Quader MA, Deutsch M, Ashokkumar C, Shneider BL, Squires RH, Ranganathan S, Reyes-Mugica M, Dobrowolski SF, Mazariegos G, Elango R, Stolz DB, Strom SC, Vockley G, Roy-Chowdhury J, Cascalho M, Guha C, Sindhi R, Platt JL, Fox IJShow more
Journal of hepatology
2017 05
KI-anknytning: Låg
Sujan AC, Rickert ME, Oberg S, Quinn PD, Hernandez-Diaz S, Almqvist C, Lichtenstein P, Larsson H, D'Onofrio BMShow more
2017 04 18
KI-anknytning: Hög
Dulai PS, Singh S, Patel J, Soni M, Prokop LJ, Younossi Z, Sebastiani G, Ekstedt M, Hagstrom H, Nasr P, Stal P, Wong VWS, Kechagias S, Hultcrantz R, Loomba RShow more
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
2017 May
KI-anknytning: Medel
Pfeiffer A, Luijsterburg MS, Acs K, Wiegant WW, Helfricht A, Herzog LK, Minoia M, Bottcher C, Salomons FA, van Attikum H, Dantuma NPShow more
The EMBO journal
2017 04 13
KI-anknytning: Hög
Schmidt B, Roberts RS, Anderson PJ, Asztalos EV, Costantini L, Davis PG, Dewey D, D'Ilario J, Doyle LW, Grunau RE, Moddemann D, Nelson H, Ohlsson A, Solimano A, Tin WCaffeine Apnea Prematurity CAP TriShow more
JAMA pediatrics
2017 06 01
KI-anknytning: Medel
Lindahl B, Baron T, Erlinge D, Hadziosmanovic N, Nordenskjold A, Gard A, Jernberg TShow more
2017 Apr 18
KI-anknytning: Hög
Tesi B, Davidsson J, Voss M, Rahikkala E, Holmes TD, Chiang SCC, Komulainen-Ebrahim J, Gorcenco S, Nilsson AR, Ripperger T, Kokkonen H, Bryder D, Fioretos T, Henter JI, Mottonen M, Niinimaki R, Nilsson L, Pronk CJ, Puschmann A, Qian H, Uusimaa J, Moilanen J, Tedgard U, Cammenga J, Bryceson YTShow more
2017 04 20
KI-anknytning: Hög
Alves-Lopes JP, Soder O, Stukenborg JBShow more
2017 06
KI-anknytning: Hög
Borgstrom A, Nerfeldt P, Friberg DShow more
2017 Apr
KI-anknytning: Hög
Draper ES, Manktelow BN, Cuttini M, Maier RF, Fenton AC, Van Reempts P, Bonamy AK, Mazela J, Borch K, Koopman-Esseboom C, Varendi H, Barros H, Zeitlin JJEPICE CohortShow more
2017 Apr
KI-anknytning: Låg
Ballardini N, Nopp A, Hamsten C, Vetander M, Melen E, Nilsson C, Ollert M, Flohr C, Kuehn A, van Hage MShow more
2017 Apr
KI-anknytning: Hög
Mall M, Kareta MS, Chanda S, Ahlenius H, Perotti N, Zhou B, Grieder SD, Ge XC, Drake S, Ang CE, Walker BM, Vierbuchen T, Fuentes DR, Brennecke P, Nitta KR, Jolma A, Steinmetz LM, Taipale J, Sudhof TC, Wernig MShow more
2017 04 13
KI-anknytning: Medel
Mueller C, Ballard C, Corbett A, Aarsland DShow more
The Lancet. Neurology
2017 05
KI-anknytning: Hög
Jabara HH, Lee JJ, Janssen E, Ullas S, Liadaki K, Garibyan L, Benson H, Sannikova T, Bram R, Hammarstrom L, Cruz AC, Siegel R, Manis J, Malley R, Geha RSShow more
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
2017 Apr
KI-anknytning: Låg