Montage of journal covers: NEJM, Cell Stem Cell, BMJ, Nature and Science.

Top publications from Karolinska Institutet

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet publish about 7,500 articles in scientific journals each year. Listed here are current articles to which our researchers have contributed and that have been published in selected top-ranked journals and registered in the Medline and Web of Science databases. New articles are automatically fed onto this page approximately every other week. It is not possible to update the list manually.

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Latest top publications

Went M, Sud A, Forsti A, Halvarsson BM, Weinhold N, Kimber S, van Duin M, Thorleifsson G, Holroydl A, Johnson DC, Li N, Orlando G, Law PJ, Ali M, Chen BW, Mitchell JS, Gudbjartsson DF, Kuiper R, Stephens OW, Bertsch U, Broderick P, Campo C, Bandapalli OR, Einsele H, Gregory WA, Gullberg U, Hillengass J, Hoffmann P, Jackson GH, Jockel KH, Johnsson E, Kristinsson SY, Mellqvist UH, Nahi H, Easton D, Pharoah P, Dunning A, Peto J, Canzian F, Swerdlow A, Eeles RA, Kote-Jarai Z, Muir K, Pashayan N, Nickel J, Nothen MM, Rafnar T, Ross FM, Filho MID, Thomsen H, Turesson I, Vangsted A, Andersen NF, Waage A, Walker BA, Wihlborg AK, Broyl A, Davies FE, Thorsteinsdottir U, Langer C, Hansson M, Goldschmidt H, Kaiser M, Sonneveld P, Stefansson K, Morgans GJ, Hemminki K, Nilsson B, Houlston RSPRACTICAL ConsortiumShow more
Nature communications
2018 09 13
KI-anknytning: Låg
Ahmad N, Ahuja SD, Akkerman OW, Alffenaar JWC, Anderson LF, Baghaei P, Bang D, Barry PM, Bastos ML, Behera D, Benedetti A, Bisson GP, Boeree MJ, Bonnet M, Brode SK, Brust JCM, Cai Y, Caumes E, Cegielski JP, Centis R, Chan PC, Chan ED, Chang KC, Charles M, Cirule A, Dalcolmo MP, D'Ambrosio L, de Vries G, Dheda K, Esmail A, Flood J, Fox GJ, Frechet-Jachym M, Fregona G, Gayoso R, Gegia M, Gler MT, Gu S, Guglielmetti L, Holtz TH, Hughes J, Isaakidis P, Jarlsberg L, Kempker RR, Keshavjee S, Khan FA, Kipiani M, Koenig SP, Koh WJ, Kritski A, Kuksa L, Kvasnovsky CL, Kwak N, Lan ZY, Lange C, Laniado-Laborin R, Lee M, Leimane V, Leung CC, Leung ECC, Li PZ, Lowenthal P, Maciel EL, Marks SM, Mase S, Mbuagbaw L, Migliori GB, Milanov V, Miller AC, Mitnick CD, Modongo C, Mohr E, Monedero I, Nahid P, Ndjeka N, O'Donnell MR, Padayatchi N, Palmero D, Pape JW, Podewils LJ, Reynolds I, Riekstina V, Robert J, Rodriguez M, Seaworth B, Seung KJ, Schnippel K, Shim TS, Singla R, Smith SE, Sotgiu G, Sukhbaatar G, Tabarsi P, Tiberi S, Trajman A, Trieu L, Udwadia ZF, van der Werf TS, Veziris N, Viiklepp P, Vilbrun SC, Walsh K, Westenhouse J, Yew WW, Yim JJ, Zetola NM, Zignol M, Menzies DCollaborative Grp Meta-Analysis InShow more
Lancet (London, England)
2018 09 08
KI-anknytning: Låg
Shiozawa Y, Malcovati L, Galli A, Sato-Otsubo A, Kataoka K, Sato Y, Watatani Y, Suzuki H, Yoshizato T, Yoshida K, Sanada M, Makishima H, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Hellstrom-Lindberg E, Miyano S, Ogawa S, Cazzola MShow more
Nature communications
2018 09 07
KI-anknytning: Låg
Kauppila JHK, Bonekamp NA, Mourier A, Isokallio MA, Just A, Kauppila TES, Stewart JB, Larsson NGShow more
Nucleic acids research
2018 07 27
KI-anknytning: Hög
Herman S, Khoonsari PE, Tolf A, Steinmetz J, Zetterberg H, Akerfeldt T, Jakobsson PJ, Larsson A, Spjuth O, Burman J, Kultima KShow more
KI-anknytning: Medel
Archer TC, Ehrenberger T, Mundt F, Gold MP, Krug K, Mah CK, Mahoney EL, Daniel CJ, LeNail A, Ramamoorthy D, Mertins P, Mani DR, Zhang HL, Gillette MA, Clauser K, Noble M, Tang LC, Pierre-Francois J, Silterra J, Jensen J, Tamayo P, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Kool M, Northcott PA, Sears RC, Lipton JO, Carr SA, Mesirov JP, Pomeroy SL, Fraenkel EShow more
Cancer cell
2018 09 10
KI-anknytning: Låg
Sjolander AShow more
European journal of epidemiology
2018 Sep
KI-anknytning: Hög
Perez-Vigil A, Fernandez de la Cruz L, Brander G, Isomura K, Jangmo A, Kuja-Halkola R, Hesselmark E, D'Onofrio BM, Larsson H, Mataix-Cols DShow more
JAMA neurology
2018 09 01
KI-anknytning: Hög
Tallia F, Russo L, Li SW, Orrin ALH, Shi XM, Chen S, Steele JAM, Meille S, Chevalier J, Lee PD, Stevens MM, Cipolla L, Jones JRShow more
2018 SEP 1
KI-anknytning: Medel
Rosendahl J, Kirsten H, Hegyi E, Kovacs P, Weiss FU, Laumen H, Lichtner P, Ruffert C, Chen JM, Masson E, Beer S, Zimmer C, Seltsam K, Alguel H, Buehler F, Bruno MJ, Bugert P, Burkhardt R, Cavestro GM, Cichoz-Lach H, Farre A, Frank J, Gambaro G, Gimpfl S, Grallert H, Griesmann H, Gruetzmann R, Hellerbrand C, Hegyi P, Hollenbach M, Iordache S, Jurkowska G, Keim V, Kiefer F, Krug S, Landt O, Leo M, Lerch MM, Levy P, Loeffler M, Loehr M, Ludwig M, Macek M, Malats N, Malecka-Panas E, Malerba G, Mann K, Mayerle J, Mohr S, Morsche RHM, Motyka M, Mueller S, Mueller T, Noethen MM, Pedrazzoli S, Pereira SP, Peters A, Pfuetzer R, Real FX, Rebours V, Ridinger M, Rietschel M, Roesmann E, Saftoiu A, Schneider A, Schulz HU, Soranzo N, Soyka M, Simon P, Skipworth J, Stickel F, Strauch K, Stumvoll M, Testoni PA, Toenjes A, Werner L, Werner J, Wodarz N, Ziegler M, Masamune A, Moessner J, Ferec C, Michl P, Drenth JPH, Witt H, Scholz M, Sahin-Toth MPanEuropean Working Grp ACPShow more
2018 10
KI-anknytning: Låg
Tsivgoulis G, Katsanos AH, Mavridis D, Gdovinova Z, Karlinski M, Macleod MJ, Strbian D, Ahmed NShow more
Annals of neurology
2018 07
KI-anknytning: Hög
Raaschou P, Soderling J, Turesson C, Askling JARTIS Study GrpShow more
Annals of internal medicine
2018 09 04
KI-anknytning: Hög
Holme MN, Rana S, Barriga HMG, Kauscher U, Brooks NJ, Stevens MMShow more
ACS nano
2018 08 28
KI-anknytning: Hög
Rutter MD, Beintaris I, Valori R, Chiu HM, Corley DA, Cuatrecasas M, Dekker E, Forsberg A, Gore-Booth J, Haug U, Kaminski MF, Matsuda T, Meijer GA, Morris E, Plumb AA, Rabeneck L, Robertson DJ, Schoen RE, Singh H, Tinmouth J, Young GP, Sanduleanu SShow more
2018 09
KI-anknytning: Låg
Ponsioen CY, Arnelo U, Bergquist A, Rauws EA, Paulsen V, Cantu P, Parzanese I, De Vries EM, van Munster KN, Said K, Chazouilleres O, Desaint B, Kemgang A, Farkkila M, Van der Merwe S, Van Steenbergen W, Marschall HU, Stotzer PO, Thorburn D, Pereira SP, Aabakken LShow more
2018 09
KI-anknytning: Medel
Keszei M, Record J, Kritikou JS, Wurzer H, Geyer C, Thiemann M, Drescher P, Brauner H, Kocher L, James J, He MH, Baptista MAP, Dahlberg CIM, Biswas A, Lain S, Lane DP, Song WX, Putsep K, Vandenberghe P, Snapper SB, Westerberg LSShow more
The Journal of clinical investigation
2018 08 31
KI-anknytning: Hög
Zhang MD, Su J, Adori C, Cinquina V, Malenczyk K, Girach F, Peng CG, Ernfors P, Low P, Borgius L, Kiehn O, Watanabe M, Uhlen M, Mitsios N, Mulder J, Harkany T, Hokfelt TShow more
The Journal of clinical investigation
2018 08 31
KI-anknytning: Hög
Gong XW, Didan Y, Lock JG, Stromblad SShow more
The EMBO journal
2018 09 03
KI-anknytning: Hög
Sidorchuk A, Isomura K, Molero Y, Hellner C, Lichtenstein P, Chang Z, Franck J, Fernandez de la Cruz L, Mataix-Cols DShow more
PLoS medicine
2018 08
KI-anknytning: Hög
Cichocki F, Wu CY, Bin Z, Felices M, Tesi B, Tuininga K, Dougherty P, Taras E, Hinderlie P, Blazar BR, Bryceson YT, Miller JSShow more
The Journal of experimental medicine
2018 09 03
KI-anknytning: Medel