Montage of journal covers: NEJM, Cell Stem Cell, BMJ, Nature and Science.

Top publications from Karolinska Institutet

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet publish about 7,500 articles in scientific journals each year. Listed here are current articles to which our researchers have contributed and that have been published in selected top-ranked journals and registered in the Medline and Web of Science databases. New articles are automatically fed onto this page approximately every other week. It is not possible to update the list manually.

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Latest top publications

Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Abugessaisa I, Noguchi S, Kondo A, Severin J, Mungall C, Arenillas D, Mathelier A, Medvedeva YA, Lennartsson A, Drablos F, Ramilowski JA, Rackham O, Gough J, Andersson R, Sandelin A, Ienasescu H, Ono H, Bono H, Hayashizaki Y, Carninci P, Forrest ARR, Kasukawa T, Kawaji HShow more
Nucleic acids research
2017 01 04
KI-anknytning: Låg
Pelechano V, Alepuz PShow more
Nucleic acids research
2017 Jul 07
KI-anknytning: Hög
Stokkeland K, Ludvigsson JF, Hultcrantz R, Ekbom A, Hoijer J, Bottai M, Stephansson OShow more
European journal of epidemiology
2017 07
KI-anknytning: Hög
Cardoso F, Harbeck N, Barrios CH, Bergh J, Cortes J, El Saghir N, Francis PA, Hudis CA, Ohno S, Partridge AH, Sledge GW, Smith IE, Gelmon KAShow more
Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology
2017 02 01
KI-anknytning: Låg
Razaz N, Tomson T, Wikstrom AK, Cnattingius SShow more
JAMA neurology
2017 08 01
KI-anknytning: Hög
Reinke SN, Gallart-Ayala H, Gomez C, Checa A, Fauland A, Naz S, Kamleh MA, Djukanovic R, Hinks TSC, Wheelock CEShow more
The European respiratory journal
2017 03
KI-anknytning: Hög
Ong WL, Schouwenburg MG, van Bommel ACM, Stowell C, Allison KH, Benn KE, Browne JP, Cooter RD, Delaney GP, Duhoux FP, Ganz PA, Hancock P, Jagsi R, Knaul FM, Knip AM, Koppert LB, Kuerer H, McLaughin S, Mureau MAM, Partridge AH, Reid DP, Sheeran L, Smith TJ, Stoutjesdijk MJ, Peeters MJTFDV, Wengstrom Y, Yip CH, Saunders CShow more
JAMA oncology
2017 May 01
KI-anknytning: Låg
Gomez-Herreros F, Margaritis T, Rodriguez-Galan O, Pelechano V, Begley V, Millan-Zambrano G, Morillo-Huesca M, Munoz-Centeno MC, Perez-Ortin JE, de la Cruz J, Holstege FCP, Chavez SShow more
Nucleic acids research
2017 Sep 19
KI-anknytning: Låg
Kitagawa Y, Ohkura N, Kidani Y, Vandenbon A, Hirota K, Kawakami R, Yasuda K, Motooka D, Nakamura S, Kondo M, Taniuchi I, Kohwi-Shigematsu T, Sakaguchi SShow more
Nature immunology
2017 02
KI-anknytning: Låg
Putnam KT, Wilcox M, Robertson-Blackmore E, Sharkey K, Bergink V, Munk-Olsen T, Deligiannidis KM, Payne J, Altemus M, Newport J, Apter G, Devouche E, Viktorin A, Magnusson P, Penninx B, Buist A, Bilszta J, O'Hara M, Stuart S, Brock R, Roza S, Tiemeier H, Guille C, Epperson CN, Kim D, Schmidt P, Martinez P, Di Florio A, Wisner KL, Stowe Z, Jones I, Sullivan PF, Rubinow D, Wildenhaus K, Meltzer-Brody SPostpartum Depression ActionShow more
The lancet. Psychiatry
2017 06
KI-anknytning: Låg
Razaz N, Tedroff K, Villamor E, Cnattingius SShow more
JAMA neurology
2017 06 01
KI-anknytning: Hög
Orkin C, DeJesus E, Ramgopal M, Crofoot G, Ruane P, LaMarca A, Mills A, Vandercam B, de Wet J, Rockstroh J, Lazzarin A, Rijnders B, Podzamczer D, Thalme A, Stoeckle M, Porter D, Liu HC, Cheng A, Quirk E, SenGupta D, Cao HShow more
The lancet. HIV
2017 05
KI-anknytning: Låg
Gao LY, Cox DBT, Yan WX, Manteiga JC, Schneider MW, Yamano T, Nishimasu H, Nureki O, Crosetto N, Zhang FShow more
Nature biotechnology
2017 Aug
KI-anknytning: Medel
Redin D, Borgstrom E, He MX, Aghelpasand H, Kaller M, Ahmadian AShow more
Nucleic acids research
2017 Jul 27
Doorakkers E, Lagergren J, Engstrand L, Brusselaers NShow more
2018 12
KI-anknytning: Hög
Ogris C, Guala D, Helleday T, Sonnhammer ELLShow more
Nucleic acids research
2017 01 25
KI-anknytning: Medel
Censin JC, Nowak C, Cooper N, Bergsten P, Todd JA, Fall TShow more
PLoS medicine
2017 Aug
KI-anknytning: Medel
Reardon MJ, Van Mieghem NM, Popma JJ, Kleiman NS, Sondergaard L, Mumtaz M, Adams DH, Deeb GM, Maini B, Gada H, Chetcuti S, Gleason T, Heiser J, Lange R, Merhi W, Oh JK, Olsen PS, Piazza N, Williams M, Windecker S, Yakubov SJ, Grube E, Makkar R, Lee JS, Conte J, Vang E, Nguyen H, Chang Y, Mugglin AS, Serruys PWJC, Kappetein APSURTAVI InvestigatorsShow more
The New England journal of medicine
2017 04 06
KI-anknytning: Låg
Mishra A, Ferrari R, Heutink P, Hardy J, Pijnenburg Y, Posthuma DInt FTD-Genomics ConsortiumShow more
Brain : a journal of neurology
2017 05 01
KI-anknytning: Låg
Avendano M, Moustgaard H, Martikainen PShow more
European journal of epidemiology
2017 01
KI-anknytning: Hög