Montage of journal covers: NEJM, Cell Stem Cell, BMJ, Nature and Science.

Top publications from Karolinska Institutet

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet publish about 7,500 articles in scientific journals each year. Listed here are current articles to which our researchers have contributed and that have been published in selected top-ranked journals and registered in the Medline and Web of Science databases. New articles are automatically fed onto this page approximately every other week. It is not possible to update the list manually.

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Latest top publications

Hung J, Roos A, Kadesjo E, McAllister DA, Kimenai DM, Shah ASV, Anand A, Strachan FE, Fox KAA, Mills NL, Chapman AR, Holzmann MJShow more
European heart journal
2021 07 08
KI-anknytning: Hög
Bernardo-Faura M, Rinas M, Wirbel J, Pertsovskaya I, Pliaka V, Messinis DE, Vila G, Sakellaropoulos T, Faigle W, Stridh P, Behrens JR, Olsson T, Martin R, Paul F, Alexopoulos LG, Villoslada P, Saez-Rodriguez JShow more
Genome medicine
2021 07 16
KI-anknytning: Medel
Kastritis E, Palladini G, Minnema MC, Wechalekar AD, Jaccard A, Lee HC, Sanchorawala V, Gibbs S, Mollee P, Venner CP, Lu J, Schonland S, Gatt ME, Suzuki K, Kim K, Cibeira MT, Beksac M, Libby E, Valent J, Hungria V, Wong SW, Rosenzweig M, Bumma N, Huart A, Dimopoulos MA, Bhutani D, Waxman AJ, Goodman SA, Zonder JA, Lam S, Song K, Hansen T, Manier S, Roeloffzen W, Jamroziak K, Kwok F, Shimazaki C, Kim JS, Crusoe E, Ahmadi T, Tran N, Qin X, Vasey SY, Tromp B, Schecter JM, Weiss BM, Zhuang SH, Vermeulen J, Merlini G, Comenzo RLANDROMEDA Trial InvestigatorsShow more
The New England journal of medicine
2021 07 01
KI-anknytning: Låg
Sullivan LC, Nguyen THO, Harpur CM, Stankovic S, Kanagarajah AR, Koutsakos M, Saunders PM, Cai ZY, Gray JA, Widjaja JML, Lin J, Pietra G, Mingari MC, Moretta L, Samir J, Luciani F, Westall GP, Malmberg KJ, Kedzierska K, Brooks AGShow more
Science immunology
2021 04 23
KI-anknytning: Låg
Johansson K, Svensson PA, Soderling J, Peltonen M, Neovius M, Carlsson LMS, Sjoholm KShow more
The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology
2021 08
KI-anknytning: Hög
Henrick BM, Rodriguez L, Lakshmikanth T, Pou C, Henckel E, Arzoomand A, Olin A, Wang J, Mikes J, Tan ZY, Chen Y, Ehrlich AM, Bernhardsson AK, Mugabo CH, Ambrosiani Y, Gustafsson A, Chew S, Brown HK, Prambs J, Bohlin K, Mitchell RD, Underwood MA, Smilowitz JT, German JB, Frese SA, Brodin PShow more
2021 07 22
KI-anknytning: Hög
Strangfeld A, Schafer M, Gianfrancesco MA, Lawson-Tovey S, Liew JW, Ljung L, Mateus EF, Richez C, Santos MJ, Schmajuk G, Scire CA, Sirotich E, Sparks JA, Sufka P, Thomas T, Trupin L, Wallace ZS, Al-Adely S, Bachiller-Corral J, Bhana S, Cacoub P, Carmona L, Costello R, Costello W, Gossec L, Grainger R, Hachulla E, Hasseli R, Hausmann JS, Hyrich KL, Izadi Z, Jacobsohn L, Katz P, Kearsley-Fleet L, Robinson PC, Yazdany J, Machado PMCOVID-19 Global Rheumatology AlliShow more
Annals of the rheumatic diseases
2021 07
KI-anknytning: Låg
Andrews N, Serviss JT, Geyer N, Andersson AB, Dzwonkowska E, Sutevski I, Heijboer R, Baryawno N, Gerling M, Enge MShow more
Nature methods
2021 08
KI-anknytning: Hög
Simon TG, Roelstraete B, Khalili H, Hagstrom H, Ludvigsson JFShow more
2021 07
KI-anknytning: Hög
Borroni B, Graff C, Hardiman O, Ludolph AC, Moreno F, Otto M, Piccininni M, Remes AM, Rowe JB, Seelaar H, Stefanova E, Traykov L, Logroscino GFRONTIERSShow more
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2022 03
KI-anknytning: Låg
Kanellis DC, Espinoza JA, Zisi A, Sakkas E, Bartkova J, Katsori AM, Bostrom J, Dyrskjot L, Broholm H, Altun M, Elsasser SJ, Lindstrom MS, Bartek JShow more
Science advances
2021 08
KI-anknytning: Hög
Veerman RE, Teeuwen L, Czarnewski P, Akpinar GG, Sandberg A, Cao XF, Pernemalm M, Orre LM, Gabrielsson S, Eldh MShow more
Journal of extracellular vesicles
2021 07
KI-anknytning: Hög
D'Souza AR, Van Haute L, Powell CA, Mutti CD, Palenikova P, Rebelo-Guiomar P, Rorbach J, Minczuk MShow more
Nucleic acids research
2021 06 04
KI-anknytning: Medel
Kamal H, Sadr-Azodi O, Engstrand L, Brusselaers NShow more
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
2021 10
KI-anknytning: Hög
Ferrannini G, Gerstein H, Colhoun HM, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Dyal L, Lakshmanan M, Mellbin L, Probstfield J, Riddle MC, Shaw JE, Avezum A, Basile JN, Cushman WC, Jansky P, Keltai M, Lanas F, Leiter LA, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Pais P, Pirags V, Pogosova N, Raubenheimer PJ, Sheu WHH, Ryden LShow more
European heart journal
2021 07 08
KI-anknytning: Hög
Jenkins MAInt Mismatch Repair ConsortiumShow more
The Lancet. Oncology
2021 07
KI-anknytning: Låg
Singer F, Schlegtendal A, Nyilas S, Vermeulen F, Boon M, Koerner-Rettberg CShow more
2021 07
KI-anknytning: Medel
Sindi S, Kareholt I, Ngandu T, Rosenberg A, Kulmala J, Johansson L, Wetterberg H, Skoog J, Sjoberg L, Wang HX, Fratiglioni L, Skoog I, Kivipelto MShow more
Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2021 07
KI-anknytning: Hög
Lim JJ, Jones CM, Loh TJ, Ting YT, Zareie P, Loh KL, Felix NJ, Suri A, McKinnon M, Stevenaert F, Sharma RK, Klareskog L, Malmstrom V, Baker DG, Purcell AW, Reid HH, La Gruta NL, Rossjohn JShow more
Science immunology
2021 04 16
KI-anknytning: Medel
Slob EMA, Brew BK, Vijverberg SJH, Dijs T, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Koppelman GH, Bartels M, Dolan CV, Larsson H, Lundstrom S, Lichtenstein P, Gong T, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Kraneveld AD, Almqvist C, Boomsma DIShow more
International journal of epidemiology
2021 05 17
KI-anknytning: Medel