StratRegen art competition
Art and science have always been closely intertwined. At our StratRegen retreat, we honor this connection through an art exhibition and competition that complements the conference.
The StratRegen art competition invites the community to showcase the beauty of science through original artwork and photographs.

Submissions should emphasize the artistic quality of scientific materials, processes, instruments, findings, or data. These can include photos, microscope images, simulations, or other research-related images, as well as various forms of art such as movies, 3-D prints, sculptures, paintings, and drawings. AI-generated images have to be marked as such. Patient data or samples are not permitted.
All registered StratRegen retreat attendees are welcome to submit one piece of art, accompanied by a brief description.
The deadline for entries is extended until the 14th of October, 2024.
The submitted artworks will be displayed at the StratRegen retreat, where a jury and conference attendees will vote to select the winners. Prizes will be awarded at the conference.
There will be different price categories:
People's Choice: Voted on by the retreat attendees.
Innovation Award: For the most innovative use of scientific data or materials or best visual representation of scientific data or findings.
Unmodified Magnificence: For the best unedited or minimally edited research image.