KIPN Training and development

Cross-lab rotations/training and mentorship lunches are some of the activities offered withing the Karolinska Institutet Pain Network.

Cross-lab rotations/training

Students and postdocs engage in peer-to-peer learning by rotating and shadowing each other in pain research projects, covering methods in basic science to clinical treatment. Experience and outcome will be shared in internal seminars.

"Meet the PI" – Mentorship lunches

Lunch meetings occurring twice or three times a year, where an appointed Principal Researcher gives at 15-minute career talk, followed by Q&A with students and postdocs.

Funding initiatives

Collaborative Grants

KIPN offers a grant of SEK 300,000 SEK (including indirect costs) for new cross-laboratories and cross-departmental research projects. To apply, submit a 2-page grant proposal (including preliminary results and references), a CV (two pages), and a selected publication list.

Who can apply

Pain researcher working at KI. The seed grant aims to foster collaboration in pain research and support innovative ideas. The call for applications is not yet open.

Applicants must be employed at Karolinska Institutet and hold a position at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor level (or equivalent).

Selection criteria

  • Originality
  • Scientific quality
  • Applicant merits
  • Potential scientific and/or clinical impact
  • Clear differentiation from other funded projects
  • No recent collaboration with the Principal Investigators (within the last 5 years)

Review Process

  • Initial review by the steering group
  • Evaluation by the Scientific Advisory Board
  • Awardees will present their project ideas and progress at the KI Pain Conference
Content reviewer: